oakcli orachk

Use the oakcli orachk command to audit configuration settings with the ORAchk utility.


oakcli orachk [-a|-b|-v|-h|-p|-f|-m[-u -o][o]-c -t][-clusternodes |-localonly][-debug][-dbnames |-dbnone|-dball][upgrade]listlist


Parameter Description


Perform a best practice check and recommended patch check.


Perform a best practice check only without the recommended patch check.


Display version.


Display command usage (help).


Perform patch check only.


Run the command offline.


Exclude checks for Maximum Availability scorecards.

-u -o

Perform check on pre-upgrade best practices (-u -o pre) or on post-upgrade best practices (-u -o post).


As an argument to an option, if -o is followed by v, V, Verbose, or VERBOSE, output will display checks that pass on the display. Without the -o option, only failures will display on the screen.


Determines granularity of information displayed on the screen. For use only when working with Oracle Support Services.

-clusternodes list

list is a comma-delimited list containing the names of the nodes where the command should run.


Run the command only on the local node.


Creates a debug log.

-dbnames list

list is a comma-delimited list containing the names of the subset of databases on which the command should run.


Skip all database-related checks on all databases without prompting to select which database to skip.


Run all database-related checks on all databases without prompting to select which databases to check.


Force upgrade of the version of the ORAchk utility being run.

Usage Notes

  • The command offers multiple options that are generic to the ORAchk command when run on servers other than the Oracle Database Appliance server. You can find details about these options by running the command oakcli orachk -h. The options are grouped into the following categories, but this document does not list the options for each category:

    • Report Options

    • Auto Restart Options

    • Daemon Options

    • Profile Run Options

  • For more information about ORAchk, see My Oracle Support note 1268927.2, "ORAchk Health Checks for the Oracle Stack."