Trace File Analyzer Collector

Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector simplifies diagnostic data collection on Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Real Application Clusters systems.

TFA behaves in a similar manner to the ion utility packaged with Oracle Clusterware. Both tools collect and package diagnostic data. However, TFA is much more powerful than ion, because TFA centralizes and automates the collection of diagnostic information.

TFA provides the following key benefits and options:

  • Encapsulation of diagnostic data collection for all Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle RAC components on all cluster nodes into a single command, which you run from a single node

  • Option to "trim" diagnostic files during data collection to reduce data upload size

  • Options to isolate diagnostic data collection to a given time period, and to a particular product component, such as Oracle ASM, RDBMS, or Oracle Clusterware

  • Centralization of collected diagnostic output to a single node in Oracle Database Appliance, if desired

  • On-Demand Scans of all log and trace files for conditions indicating a problem

  • Real-Time Scan Alert Logs for conditions indicating a problem (for example, Database Alert Logs, Oracle ASM Alert Logs, and Oracle Clusterware Alert Logs)

Refer to My Oracle Support note 1513912.1 "TFA Collector - Tool for Enhanced Diagnostic Gathering" for more information.