odaadmcli show storage

Use the odaadmcli show storage command to show the storage controllers, expanders, and disks.


To display the storage controllers, expanders, and disks:

   odaadmcli show storage [-h]    

To show storage errors:

   odaadmcli show storage -errors [-h]   


Parameter Description


(Optional) Shows storage errors.


(Optional) Displays help for using the command.

Example 9-24 Displaying Storage Devices

To display storage devices:

# odaadmcli show storage

==== BEGIN STORAGE DUMP ======== 
Host Description: Oracle Corporation:ORACLE SERVER X6-2 
Total number of controllers: 2         
        Id = 0         
        Pci Slot = 10
        Serial Num = S2LHNAAH101026
     Vendor = Samsung
   Model = MS1PC2DD3ORA3.2T         
   FwVers = KPYA7R3Q         
   strId = nvme:19:00.00
      Pci Address = 19:00.0

      Id = 1
      Pci Slot = 11
      Serial Num = S2LHNAAH101008
      Vendor = Samsung         
        Model = MS1PC2DD3ORA3.2T         
        FwVers = KPYA7R3Q
     strId = nvme:1b:00.00         
  Pci Address = 1b:00.0  

Total number of expanders: 0 
Total number of PDs: 2         
   /dev/nvme0n1 Samsung NVD 3200gb slot: 0 pci : 19         
   /dev/nvme1n1 Samsung NVD 3200gb slot: 1 pci : 1 

==== END STORAGE DUMP =========