About Oracle Appliance Manager Command-line Interface

Three classes of tools are available to perform configuration, lifecycle management, and system administration on Oracle Database Appliance.

Oracle Database Appliance X6-2 uses a role-based command-line interface. Use the ODACLI commands to perform lifecycle management tasks and the ODAADMCLI commands to perform storage and hardware monitoring maintenance. Many tasks related to managing Oracle Databases are also required with databases on Oracle Database Appliance. Tasks common to Oracle Database generally are described in the Oracle Database documentation library. However, to simplify tasks, use the Oracle Database Appliance command-line interface. The ODACLI and ODAADMCLI utilities combine the capabilities of the SYS database administrator role and the operating system Superuser (root user). Always perform administrative tasks using the command-line utilities.

The following classes of commands are available:

  • Configure: Use the configuration commands as part of the initial deployment of the appliance and to configure CPU cores

  • Lifecycle management: Use odacli to perform database and system administration tasks for the appliance

  • Administrative tasks: Use odaadmcli to perform hardware administration tasks

You can perform the following configuration tasks:

  • Configure the first network in the appliance

  • Unzip and copy the Oracle Database Appliance Single Instance Software Bundle to the correct locations

  • Set the number of CPU Cores for the system

You can perform the following appliance lifecycle tasks with ODACLI commands:

  • Create and describe the appliance

  • Create, list, describe, and delete databases

  • Create, list, describe, and delete Oracle Database Homes

  • Create, list, and describe the networks

  • List and describe the jobs

You can perform the following appliance maintenance tasks with ODAADMCLI commands:

  • Show storage, disks, diskgroups, and controllers

  • Display storage diagnostics for disks and NVM Express (NVMes)

  • Locate disks

  • Show server, memory, processor, power, cooling, and network details

Depending on your version of Oracle Appliance Manager and your hardware, some of the ODACLI commands may not be available to you. To see which ODACLI commands are supported on your version of Oracle Appliance Manager and your hardware, run the help command for ODACLI :odacli -h

ODACLI Command Location and Path Configuration

The Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface is in the following directory:


Configure the root user account on your Oracle Database Appliance servers to have the PATH variable defined to search for odacli commands in the path /opt/oracle/oda/bin/odacli.


Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface commands and parameters are case-sensitive.

An odacli command uses the following command syntax:

odacli command [options]
  • command is an action you want to perform on the appliance. For example: list-networks, create-appliance, or describe-jobs.

  • options are optional parts of the ODACLI command. Options can consist of one or more options that extend the use of the ODACLI command carried out on an object. Options include additional information about the action that you want to perform on the object. Option names are preceded with a dash. Some options require the name of an object for the command to perform the action that you want to carry out. The help option (-h) is an option that is available with almost all commands. When you include the -h option, you can obtain additional information about the command that you want to perform.

Example 9-1 ODACLI Syntax

# odacli create-database -h 

Usage: create-database [options]   
--adminpassword, -m  Password for SYS,SYSTEM and PDB Admin     
--cdb, -c            Create Container Database        Default: false     
--dbclass, -cl       Database Class OLTP/DSS/IMDB     Default: OLTP     
--dbconsole, -co     Enable Database Console          Default: false     
--dbhomeid, -dh      Database Home ID (Use Existing DB Home)   
--dbname, -n         Database Name     
--dbshape, -s        Database Shape{odb1,odb2,odb3 etc.} Default: odb1    
--dbstorage, -r      Database Storage {ACFS|ASM}       Default: ACFS     
--dbtype, -y         Database Type {SI|RAC}            Default: SI     
--help, -h           get help                          Default: false     
--instanceonly, -io  Create Instance Only (For Standby)Default: false     
--json, -j           json output                       Default: false     
--pdbadmin, -d       Pluggable Database Admin User     Default: pdbadmin     
--pdbname, -p        Pluggable Database Name           Default: pdb1     
--targetnode, -g     Node Number (for single-instance databases) Default: 0     
--version, -v        Database Version                  Default:

Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Interface Help

Run the -h command to see the usage information for all commands available for your Oracle Database Appliance. For example:

odacli -h

Run theodacli command -h command or odacliadm command -h to see detailed help about a specific command. For example:

odacli describe-dbhome -h