odacli-adm set-credential

Use the odacli-adm set-credential command to change the oda-admin user credentials.


To reset the oda-admin user credentials:

   odacli-adm set-credential --password password --username user name [-j] [-h]


Parameter Description
password Password required to access the Oracle Appliance Manager Web Console. The default password is welcome1.
username User name required to access the Oracle Appliance Manager Web Console. The default user name is oda-admin.


 (Optional) Displays JSON output.


(Optional) Displays help for using the command.

Usage Notes

Only root user can reset the oda-admin user credentials.

Example 9-28 Resetting the oda-admin Password

To reset the oda-admin user password to welcome2:

# odacli-adm set-credential --password welcome2 --username oda-admin