odaadmcli show disk

Use the odaadmcli show disk command to display the status of a single disk or of all disks on the system.


To display the status of all disks on the system:

   odaadmcli show  disk [-h]

To display the status of a single disk:

  odaadmcli show  disk n [-h]


Parameter Description


Defines the disk resource name. The resource name format is pd_[0..3].


(Optional) Displays help for using the command.

Example 9-18 Displaying the Status of All Disks

To display the status of all the disks on the system:

# odaadmcli show -disk         
NAME            PATH                    TYPE    STATE   STATE_DETAILS          
pd_00   /dev/nvme0n1 NVD                ONLINE  Good         
pd_01   /dev/nvme1n1 NVD                ONLINE  Good

Example 9-19 Displaying the Status of a Single Disk

To display the status of a disk named pd_00:

# odaadmcli show disk pd_00 

The Resource is : pd_00         
ActionTimeout : 1500         
ActivePath : /dev/nvme0n1        
 AsmDiskList : |data_00||reco_00|         
AutoDiscovery : 1         
AutoDiscoveryHi : |data:80:NVD||reco:20:NVD|         
CheckInterval : 300         
ColNum : 0         
CriticalWarning : 0         
DependListOpr : add        
 Dependency : |0|         
DiskId : 360025380144d5332         
DiskType : NVD         
Enabled : 1         
ExpNum : 19         
HbaPortNum : 10         
IState : 0         
Initialized : 0         
IsConfigDepende : false        
 ModelNum : MS1PC2DD3ORA3.2T        
 MonitorFlag : 1         
MultiPathList : |/dev/nvme0n1|         
Name : pd_00         
NewPartAddr : 0         
OSUserType : |userType:Multiuser|         
PlatformName : X6_1_LITE_S         
PrevState : Invalid         
PrevUsrDevName :         
SectorSize : 512         
SerialNum : S2LHNAAH000001         
Size : 3200631791616         
SlotNum : 0         
SmartDiskWarnin : 0        
SmartTemperatur : 37         
State : Online         
StateChangeTs : 1465263789         
StateDetails : Good         
TotalSectors : 6251233968         
TypeName : 0         
UsrDevName : NVD_S00_S2LHNAAH101026         
VendorName : Samsung         
gid : 0        
 mode : 660         
uid : 0