
Use the configure-firstnet command to configure the first network in the appliance after racking and connecting the power and network cables. This command ensures that the system is available in the network, enabling you to manage the deployment through the Oracle Appliance Manager Web Console.


To ensure that the system is available in the network:


Example 9-2 Configuring the First Network

Configure the first network to use a btbond1 interface without configuring DHCP. Complete the IP address, netmask address, and gateway address.

Values that you need to provide are shown in italic font, with the exception of the net1 gateway address; the program obtains the gateway IP. The program derives this gateway address using the network information you provided for the other IP addresses. Accept this value, unless your network administrator provides an alternative gateway address that is different from the default that the appliance command-line interface detects.

# configure-firstnet

Select the Interface to configure the network on (btbond1 sfpbond1): btbond1
Configure DHCP on btbond1 (yes/no): no
INFO: You have chosen Static configuration
Enter the IP address to configure:
Enter the Netmask address to configure:
Enter the Gateway address to configure:
INFO: Plumbing the IPs now
INFO: Restarting the network
Shutting down interface btbond1: