odacli describe-dbhome

Use the odacli describe-dbhome command to display Oracle Database Home details.


To display details about Oracle Database Home:

   odacli  describe-dbhome -i dbhomeid   


Parameter Description


Identifies the database home ID. Use the odacli list-dbhomes command to get the dbhomeid.


(Optional) Displays JSON output.


(Optional)  Identifies the Database Home Version. Use the odacli list-dbhomes —v command to get the dbversion.


(Optional) Displays help for using the command.

Example 9-11 Displaying Oracle Database Home Details

The following output is an example of using the display Oracle Database Home details command:

# odacli  describe-dbhome -i b727bf80-c99e-4846-ac1f-28a81a725df6 

DB Home details ----------------------------------------------------------------
                            ID: b727bf80-c99e-4846-ac1f-28a81a725df6
                          Name: OraDB12102_home1 
               Home Location: /u01/app/orauser/product/
                       Created: Jun 2, 2016 10:19:23 AM