4 Working with the Web Service API

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications IP Service Activator web service API, which can be used to integrate IP Service Activator with Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM).

About the Web Service API

IP Service Activator provides a web service interface through which OSM can manage service activation transactions. For more information about OSM, see OSM Concepts.

Web services for IP Service Activator is an optional component that is available during IP Service Activator installation. For information about installing and configuring web services, see IP Service Activator Installation Guide.

Web services is deployed on WebLogic Server. For information about WebLogic Server, see WebLogic Server documentation.

The web service is an OSS/J-based interface that provides an external API for system integration. IP Service Activator transactions can be managed by the web service. Each IP Service Activator request that is sent to the web service contains a list of commands. These commands are then performed using a single transaction, without the need to specify the beginning and ending of the transaction. The web service monitors these transactions and provides status notifications based on the result.

The external transport protocols for using web services are HTTP, HTTPS, and JMS, and the data service formats are SOAP v1.1 and 1.2. Access-level security is provided through the implementation of the WebLogic WS-Policy specification, which enforces authentication. See "About OSM Data Providers" for more information about using SOAP as the data provider.

About Web Services and OIM

The IP Service Activator web service supports the use of multiple OSS Integration Manager (OIM) instances connected to a single instance of IP Service Activator. Use multiple OIM instances to improve performance by allowing operations to be directed to OIMs on the basis of operation type, and also to allow for load sharing.

You can configure web services to use previously configured OIMs using the web services Configuration graphical user interface (GUI). For information about configuring web services as a post-installation task, see IP Service Activator Installation Guide. For information about the Configuration GUI, see IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

Design Studio for IP Service Activator

An IP Service Activator activation cartridge is provided with the installation. This cartridge includes service action definitions that map to all IP Service Activator operations that are supported by the IP Service Activator web services API.

Activation tasks within Design Studio provide integration between OSM and IP Service Activator. You must install OSM, IP Service Activator, and the IP Service Activator integration cartridge in Design Studio.

For information about working with activation tasks, see Design Studio online Help.

Configuring Web Services

The web service is an optional component for an IP Service Activator installation. If you selected the Web Services component during installation, or if you selected the option to install all components, the web service is available. If correctly installed, the IP Service Activator Configuration GUI shows the Web Service folder in the tree view. You can install web services on the same server with other IP Service Activator components, or you can install it as a standalone component. See IP Service Activator Installation Guide for more information.

Use the IP Service Activator Configuration GUI to configure the web service and deployment parameters, and then deploy the web service.


The database and CORBA components must also be configured for the Web service to function correctly. See IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide for information about configuring other components using the Configuration GUI.

Pre-requisites for Web Services

In order to use the web service API to integrate with Oracle Communications Order and Service Management, you must complete the following tasks in sequential order: install a WebLogic server, install Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF), and create a WebLogic domain. For information about installing WebLogic and ADF, see Order and Service Management Installation Guide.

Configuring Web Services

Use the IP Service Activator Configuration GUI to configure the web service and deployment parameters, and to deploy or undeploy the web service. For information about web service parameters, see IP Service Activator Installation Guide, Post-Installation Tasks.


When you change IP Service Activator web service parameters, re-deploy the web service to ensure that the changes take effect.

For information about configuring other components in the Configuration GUI, see IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

Configure web services using the IP Service Activator Configuration GUI.

To configure web services:

  1. In the Configuration GUI tree view, double-click the Web Service folder.

  2. Click Common.

  3. Enter the configuration parameters.

    For information about web service configuration parameters, see Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Web Service Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description

IPSA ORB Initial Host

The host machine for IPSA CORBA. Default is

IPSA ORB Initial Port

The host port for IPSA CORBA. Default is 2809.

Database Server IP Address

Database server IP address.

Database Server Port

The database server port. Default is 1521.

Database Service Name

The database service name. Default is IPSA.WORLD.

Database User Id

The database user ID. Default is admin.

Database User Password

The database user password.

Confirm Database User Password

Re-enter the database user password.

IPSA User Name

The IP Service Activator user name. Default is admin.

IPSA User password

The IP Service Activator web service user password.

Confirm IPSA User password

Re-enter the IP Service Activator web service user password.

IPSA Web Service User Name

The IP Service Activator web service user name. Default is ipsa_ws_user.

IPSA Web Service User password

The IP Service Activator web service user password.

Maximum Query Load

The maximum query load in bytes. Default is 1024000.

EOM Debug Level

Select an option to define the IP Service Activator EOM Debug level.

OFF: logging is disabled

ERROR: unexpected exceptions are logged at this level (default)

TRACE: all logging is enabled. OIM commands and responses are logged at this level.

DEBUG: lower logging level than Trace

INFO: informational logging. Lower logging level than Debug.

Maximum Retry on Connection Failure

The maximum number of retries on recoverable conditions, for example, database/OIM failures. Default is 3.

OIM Session Timeout

OSS Integration Manager session timeout in seconds. Default is 1200.

OJDL Transaction Short Watch Interval

The OJDL transaction short watch interval in seconds. Default is 5.

OJDL Transaction Short Watch Period

The OJDL transaction short watch period in seconds. Default is 300.

OJDL Transaction Long Watch Interval

The OJDL transaction long watch interval in seconds. Default is 60.

OJDL Transaction Long Watch Period

The OJDL transaction long watch period in seconds. Default is 3600.

OJDL Transaction Commit Period

The OJDL transaction commit period in seconds. Default is 60.

Default Failed Transaction Rollback Behavior

Specifies if failed transactions are automatically rolled back by default. Default is False.

Note: You can override this default by specifying different rollback behavior.

Configuring OSS Integration Manager

If you have an OSS Integration Manager (OIM), or multiple OIMs on multiple servers, that you previously installed and configured in IP Service Activator, you can configure the parameters that allow the web service to interact with those OIMs.


IP Service Activator does not support multiple OIMs on a single server.

Using the OIM Configuration component in IP Service Activator Configuration GUI, you can add, delete, and modify the OIM configurations that are used for web services.

For more information about installing and configuring OIMs in IP Service Activator, see IP Service Activator OSS Integration Manager Guide.

To configure OIM for Web services:

  1. In the Configuration GUI tree view, double-click the Web Service folder.

  2. Click OIM Configuration.

  3. Enter the configuration parameters for the OIM that you want to configure.

    For information about OIM configuration parameters, see Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 OIM Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description


The CORBA name of the integration manager.

Maximum Sessions

The maximum number of OIM sessions. Default is 10.

Minimum Idle Sessions

The minimum number of idle sessions. Default is 5.

Read Only

Select this option if you want to use the integration manager for read only. Deselect this option if you want to use it for both reading and writing.

Deploying and Undeploying Web Services

Deploy the web service after you configure all parameters, including the deployment parameters, in the IP Service Activator Configuration GUI. For information about web service parameters, see "Configuring Web Services". For information about OIM configuration parameters, see "Configuring OSS Integration Manager".

You can also undeploy the web service.


To configure the web service deployment, you require information about the WebLogic server on which the Order and Service Management (OSM) server is deployed. WebLogic parameters are required to connect to a Oracle WebLogic Server.

For information about WebLogic, see WebLogic product documentation. For information about OSM, see Order and Service Management Concepts. For information about installing OSM, see Order and Service Management Installation Guide.

To deploy the web service:

  1. In the Configuration GUI tree view, double-click the Web Service folder.

  2. Click Deployment.

  3. Enter the configuration parameters for the Web service deployment.

  4. Click Deploy.

    The configuration tool does the following:

    • Updates the IpsaWebService.ear file with the parameter values that you entered in the web service node.

    • Creates a JMS Server, a JMS Module, and JMS queues in WebLogic, if they are not already created.

    • Creates a web service security user group and a user in WebLogic, if they are not already created.

    • Deploys the IpsaWebService.ear file to WebLogic.

    For information about web service deployment parameters, see Table 4-3.

Table 4-3 Web Service Deployment Parameters

Parameter Description

Weblogic Host

The WebLogic host. Default is

Weblogic Port

The port number for the WebLogic server. Default is 7001.

Weblogic Admin User Name

The WebLogic administrator user name. Default is weblogic.

Weblogic Admin User Password

The WebLogic administrator user password.

Confirm Weblogic Admin User Password

Re-enter the WebLogic administrator user password.

Weblogic Secure Connection

Select this option if you want to use a secure connection to the WebLogic server. Check box is selected by default.

Weblogic Target Server

The WebLogic target server where you want to deploy the IP Service Activator web service.

Weblogic Home

The directory where WebLogic is installed on the server.

To undeploy the web service:

  1. In the Configuration GUI tree view, double-click the Web Service folder.

  2. Click Deployment.

  3. Click Undeploy.

About Web Service Security

IP Service Activator access control security for web services determines the functionality to which each user has access. To set up access control security, create a security role. Give this role the privilege to start IP Service Activator web services. When the web service client accesses the web service, the client needs to authenticate itself to the Oracle WebLogic Server hosting IP Service Activator Web Service. See Oracle WebLogic Administration Guide for information about setting up access security.


Oracle WebLogic access control security protects only WebLogic Server resources and does not cover secure communication with IP Service Activator web services. As a result, SOAP messages transmitted between the web service and its clients are in plain text.

The web service allow only access level security. Clients must use a user id that is a member of the IPSA_WS_USERS_GROUP group to communicate with IP Service Activator web services. The web.xml file defines the security role IPSA_WS_USERS and the weblogic.xml file defines the security principal name as IPSA_WS_USERS_GROUP.

Running the installer creates a default user. For information about the default user names and passwords used with web services, see IP Service Activator Installation Guide. This user is a member of the IPSA_WS_USERS_GROUP group. Due to limitations of the WebLogic console, information created by the command line tools, such as the role name, might not be available on the console.

About OSM Data Providers

A data provider is used to retrieve data in an XML format from external systems.

The data provider type for IP Service Activator web service is SOAP, which enables you access to web services from OSM and use the responses within behaviors. The required parameter is soap.endpoint, which is an element that identifies the URL to which the SOAP request is sent. Specify the soap.endpoint as:


Where ws_IP:Port is the IP Service Activator web service IP and port.

The soap.action parameter contains the URI that identifies the intent of the message. There are several actions that you can specify in the soap.action parameter for IP Service Activator web services. Table 4-4 lists these actions and their corresponding parameters. For more information about the built-in SOAP data provider parameters, and about using data instance behaviors, see Order and Service Management Developer's Guide.

Table 4-4 Action Parameters

soap.action Parameters


<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">

<ws:getObject><-- Mandatory. Path to an object -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">

<ws:getId><-- Mandatory. Path to an object -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">

<ws:getPath><-- Mandatory. Object ID whose path is required -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">

<ws:getName><-- Mandatory. Path to an object or its ID -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">

<ws:getParents><-- Mandatory. Path to an object or its ID -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">

<ws:getChildren><-- Mandatory. Path to an object or its ID -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">


<-- Mandatory. Path to an object or its ID -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">

<ws: getTransactionStatus>

<-- Mandatory. Path to an object or its ID -->

</ws: getTransactionStatus>



<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">


<-- Mandatory. Path to a ParameterSetInstance object or its ID -->




<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">


<-- Mandatory. Path to an object or its ID. This is the start point of the search -->


<-- Mandatory. Type of object to find such as Device, Interface, etc. -->


<-- Mandatory. Name of the object to find. -->

<-- Wildcards are allowed: * (any number of characters), or ? (any single character) -->


<-- Optional. Indicates the direction of the search. Possible values are: parent, child. -->

<-- parent - to search upwards through the hierarchy. -->

<-- child - to search downwards through the hierarchy (this is the default) -->


<-- Optional. attribute=value pairs on which to search. -->

<-- Wildcards are allowed in string arguments: * (any number of characters), or ? (any single character) -->














<soap:Body xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">


<-- Mandatory. Path to an object or its ID. This is the start point of the search -->


<-- Mandatory. Type of object to find such as Device, Interface, etc. -->


<-- Mandatory. Name of the object to find. -->

<-- Wildcards are allowed: * (any number of characters), or ? (any single character) -->


<-- Optional. Indicates the direction of the search. Possible values are: parent, child. -->

<-- parent - to search upwards through the hierarchy. -->

<-- child - to search downwards through the hierarchy (this is the default) -->

Finding and Retrieving Data

Using parameters for search criteria, you can find and retrieve data, such as objects, in IP Service Activator. When searching, the supported wildcard characters are ”*” and ”?”.

For more information, see Order and Service Management Developer's Guide.

Finding Objects

Find objects parameters allow you to find objects in IP Service Activator. For information about objects in IP Service Activator, see OSS Integration Manager Guide.

Use the find objects parameters listed in Table 4-5 to find IP Service Activator objects.

Table 4-5 Find Objects Parameters

Find Objects Parameters Definition


The starting path for the IP Service Activator FIND command.


The type of object to find in IP Service Activator.


The name of the object to find in IP Service Activator.


Search direction; either parent or child.


The first attribute name.


The first attribute value.


The second attribute name.


The second attribute value.


The third attribute name.


The third attribute value.


The fourth attribute name.


The fourth attribute value.


The fifth attribute name.


The fifth attribute value.

The following is an example service request:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <env:Header />
    <find xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">
      <att2Name />
      <att2Value />
      <att3Name />
      <att3Value />
      <att4Name />
      <att4Value />
      <att5Name />
      <att5Value />
  Service Response
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <env:Header />
    <ws:findResponse xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">
        <ws:objectName>1111 on Serial2/0/1.1/1/1/1:2</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>111 on Serial2/0/1.1/1/1/1:2</ws:objectName>

Retrieving Objects

Use find parameters to retrieve objects in IP Service Activator.

Use the parameters listed in Table 4-6 to retrieve IP Service Activator objects to which a ParameterSetInstance object applies.

Table 4-6 Find Parameters for Retrieving Objects

findParameter Definition


The starting path for the IP Service Activator FIND command.


The type of object to find in IP Service Activator.


Search direction; either parent or child.


The first attribute name.


The first attribute value.


The second attribute name.


The second attribute value.


The third attribute name.


The third attribute value.


The fourth attribute name.


The fourth attribute value.


The fifth attribute name.


The fifth attribute value.

The following is an example retrieval request:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <env:Header />
    <findParameters xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">
      <att1Name />
      <att1Value />
      <att2Name />
      <att2Value />
      <att3Name />
      <att3Value />
      <att4Name />
      <att4Value />
      <att5Name />
      <att5Value />
  Service Response
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <env:Header />
    <ws:findParametersResponse xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine 80E</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine 5000E</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine NE5000EMulti</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine NE40E</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine NE20E-4</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine NE20E-8</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine 40-4</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine 40-2</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway NetEngine 40-8</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway Eudemon 500</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Huawei Quidway Eudemon 1000</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Foundry NetIron IMR 640</ws:objectName>
        <ws:objectName>Foundry NetIron XMR 4000</ws:objectName>
      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>564</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>Foundry NetIron XMR 8000</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>565</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>Foundry NetIron XMR 16000</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>566</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>Foundry NetIron MLX-4</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>567</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>Foundry NetIron MLX-8</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>568</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>Foundry NetIron MLX-16</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>569</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>Paradyne GranDSLAM 4200</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>570</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>RedBack Networks SMS 1000</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>      <ws:objects>        <ws:objectId>571</ws:objectId>        <ws:objectName>RedBack Networks SMS 500</ws:objectName>        <ws:objectType>DeviceType</ws:objectType>      </ws:objects>    </ws:findParametersResponse>  </env:Body>  </env:Envelope>

Retrieving Other Data

You can also use parameters to retrieve other data in IP Service Activator, for example, attributes, child objects, and immediate parent objects.

Use the parameters in Table 4-7 to retrieve other data in IP Service Activator.

Table 4-7 Find Parameters for Retrieving Other Data

findParameter Definition


Retrieves attributes of an object.

Path: the path/ID to the object.


Retrieves immediate child objects of an object.

Path: the path/ID to the objects.


Retrieves the ID of an object.

Path: the path/ID to the objects.


Retrieves the name of an objects.

Path: the path/ID to the objects.


Retrieves the order status of an OSM order.

orderKey: the key of an OSM order.


Retrieves the immediate parent objects of an object.

Path: the path/ID to the objects.


Retrieves the path on an object.

Path: the path/ID to the object.


Retrieves the targets that a ParameterSetInstance object applies to.

Path: the path/ID to the object.

The following is an example for getAttributes:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <env:Header />
    <getAttributes xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">[13]</getAttributes>
  Service Response
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <env:Header />
    <ws:getAttributesResponse xmlns:ws="http://www.oracle.com/cgbu/ipsa/osmipsa/ws/">
        <ws:attributeValue />
        <ws:attributeValue />

Web Service Operations

The set of operations described in Table 4-8 is provided.

Table 4-8 Web Service Operations

Operation Definition Parameter


Converts an OSM order to an IP Service Activator transaction.



The web service rolls back the corresponding IP Service Activator transaction.



The web service rolls back the corresponding IP Service Activator transaction.
