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Oracle® Retail Predictive Application Server Cloud Edition Administration Guide
Release 19.0
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11 Patch Domain

Administrators can use the Patch Domain task to patch the domain.

In order to upload the domain configuration into the cloud environment, create an archive (either .zip or .tar.gz) containing the config directory and all of its contents. This archive file must be named as <app_name>_config.zip or <app_name>_config.tar.gz. This archive file must be placed in the config subdirectory of the SFTP incoming location on the server. It may be updated as often as necessary in support of domain build or patch activities. Remember to create the COMMAND/COMPLETE trigger when you are finished placing files in this directory. The input archive file will be removed only if the task is successful.

Run the OAT task with a label and an offline message that will be displayed to the users while the patch domain is in progress. The default timeout for this task is 30 minutes, which is different than other administration tasks.

To view the patch task group, select Patch Domain Task in the task group page as shown in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1 Patch Domain Task

Description of Figure 11-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 11-1 Patch Domain Task''

The patch domain task and its options are shown in Figure 11-2.

Figure 11-2 Patch Domain Options

Description of Figure 11-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 11-2 Patch Domain Options''

Task Label

This is the label for the task; it can be any string. It is used to identify the task after it is submitted.

Offline Mode Message

The message is shown to the users while the domain is being patched. The domain patching must be executed as an offline task; users will not be able to use the system while the task is in progress.

Run updatestyles


Alerts are part of formatting information; you must check the updatesyles option when changing any alerts-related configuration during patching.

If the Run updatestyles check box is checked, the formatting information saved in the RPASCE domain will be merged with the formatting information present in the input configuration and saved back to the domain. During the patch process, each configured template in the domain will be checked to see if a format merge is needed. All templates that do not have any configuration changes in the input configuration will be skipped from the formatting merge.

In the RPASCE client, users have three choices when it comes to saving the formatting information. They can either save formatting for themselves, for the group, or for a template. This is explained in more detail in the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Cloud Edition User Guide under the formatting chapter. The formatting information present in the domain that is mentioned in the above paragraphs can be one of the following: 1) formatting saved by the RPASCE client user at the user, group, or template levels, or 2) the formatting received from the configuration that automatically goes into template level during the domain build or last domain patch.

During the patch, in case of a merge conflict between the formatting information saved in the domain and the formatting information coming from the input configuration, the latter will be selected and used in most cases. The exact behavior depends on the formatting component involved in the conflict and the extend of configuration change. This is explained in detail below.

If there are no conflicts yet there are changes to the configured formatting for a template that also has formatting saved to the domain, the following components must have their information persisted. This is not an exhaustive list.

The user, group, and template formatting is persisted to the extent possible. A large number of combinations are possible that involve the level of saved formatting, the component involved, and the extent of configuration change that affect the outcome. For example, a user creates measure profile in the UI with measures a,b,c, and saves the formatting to the user level. However, the configuration used as input to the patch has measures b and c removed. To make sure the application works correctly, the patch operation removes the measures b and c from the user's saved measure profile. The measure profile is still available in the domain after the patch; however, it only has measure a. Consider a user who saves the measure profile created in the UI to the template-level instead of the user-level with a template name of templateA. In this case, if the input configuration used for the patch has changed in templateA, the user's saved measure profile will be lost or will persist based on whether boolean domain property force_updatestyles is set or not. If set to true, the template-level saved format will persist on patch. If not set or if set to false, the template-level saved format will be lost on patch and the template-level formatting will stick to the incoming configured formatting.

Register New JSE Jar Files

Use this option to add new java special expression jar files to the domain. This is a comma-separated list of jar file names; it must be located in the jse folder of the incoming FTP site. If any jar files entered in this field are not found during patch, the patch task will fail. Any previously registered jar files can be added to the jse folder of the incoming FTP site without having to re-enter the file again in this field. If the patch process finds any previously registered jar files in the incoming FTP site, it will automatically pick up those files.

Log Level

The varying levels of verbose output in the task log can be controlled using this option.