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Oracle® Retail Size Profile Optimization Implementation Guide
Release 14.1
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4 Data Flow

This chapter describes the flow of data between Size Profile Optimization with other applications.

Overview of the SPO Data Flow

Figure 4-1 shows the integration of SPO with other applications and the flow of data among the applications.

Figure 4-1 Data Flow for the Integration of SPO with Other Applications

Integration Interface Data Flow Description

These descriptions explain some of the data flows shown in Figure 4-1. For information about the data flows among Fashion Planning Bundle applications, see Chapter 5.

From a Data Warehouse Application to Size Profile Optimization

The following data is imported into SPO from a data warehouse application:

  • Historic sales

  • Inventory

SPO uses historical sales data to create a size profile that illustrates how many units should be allocated by size.

From Size Profile Optimization to Assortment Planning

The following data is exported into AP from SPO:

  • Size profiles

  • Prepack configurations

AP uses SPO inputs to understand the style-color-size or prepack per store per receipt week details of the items to be procured. Input of optimized prepack configurations aids the creation of more robust buy plans.

From Size Profile Optimization to Allocation

SPO uses historical sales data to create a size profile that recommends how many units must be allocated by size. The data is useful because different regions often have different mix of sizes in demand by the local population. For example, a question that could arise during an allocation might be: how many size 8 red shirts did I sell in Minneapolis as compared to Austin? Size Profile Optimization calculates that Austin area needs x percent more of size 8 shirts than Minneapolis area. The export of this data from SPO to Allocation, particularly when bolstered with information from other applications in the Fashion Planning Bundle, can greatly enhance the overall performance of the Allocation application.

Layout of the Size Profile

Size profile is a measure that is exported from SPO. The size profile for export is stored in the ExportProfXXLXG measure. This measure is found at the
clss/str_/atcd/size intersection. In the SPO configuration, this is the lowest escalation level at Class/Store/Attribute-Code/Size.

The following is the layout of the columns in the size profile:

  • Class ID – identifier for the class of the item in the Product hierarchy.

  • Store ID – identifier for the store in the Location hierarchy.

  • Size ID – identifier for the size of the item in the Size Range hierarchy.

  • Product Attribute ID – identifier for the attributes of the item in the
    Attribute Code hierarchy.

  • Size Profile Value – value calculated by SPO. Percentage of the total size range for the item that is recommended in the specified size.

The following is an example of a size profile:
