Applying Discounts Using Condiments

You can apply manual, automatic, and coupon discounts to a check when a condiment item is present on the check. A workstation operator can manually apply a discount by selecting the condiment item. For example, configure a bagel to be a parent menu item and configure the condiment, such as cream cheese, to trigger a 5% discount. As a result, when the workstation operator enters the customer order for a bagel with cream cheese, the system applies the discount after the workstation operator selects cream cheese.

Place condiments in trigger menu item groups to have Simphony apply automatic and coupon discounts.

Complete the following tasks to apply discounts using condiments:
  • Specify the condiment to be the trigger

  • Set the discount to apply to the parent menu item, condiment, or both

  • Set up the discount for a condiment

  • Create a discount button to appear on the workstation page