Tax Parameters

The Tax Parameters module enables you to configure options related to taxes. You can configure the Tax Parameters module at the Property, Zone, or Revenue Center levels.

Table 13-3 Tax Parameters International Options

International Options Description

1 – ON = Apply Tax as Add-On; OFF = Apply Tax as VAT

Select this option to treat taxes as add-on. Deselect this option to treat taxes as a value added tax (VAT). If you enable VAT, all tax rates in use must be type Included, Percentage.

3 - Print Tax Itemizers

Select this option to print tax itemizers on guest checks and receipts. An itemizer is considered a bucket that holds the sale amount of all items taxed at a specific rate. At the end of a transaction, the tax is applied to the subtotal of all items in the bucket. Menu Item Classes are linked to Tax Classes, which in turn, are linked to Tax Rates 1-64. When you link to a tax rate, you are in effect, creating an itemizer bucket for that item. You must enable this option for Philippine tax.

4 - Enable Canadian GST

Select this option to enable Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST).

6 - Enable Thailand Tax Printing

Select this option to enable Thai tax options.

13 - Truncate Inclusive Taxes

This option applies to all inclusive tax calculations. It determines whether the inclusive tax amount that is calculated is rounded or truncated. For example, if a currency has two decimal places and the tax calculated is 12.005, the rounded tax is 12.01, but the truncated tax is 12.00.

14 - Print Item Inclusive Tax Total

If the check contains items with inclusive taxes, this option enables the total inclusive tax to print on the guest check. The line prints according to Tax Parameters option [4 - Print Inclusive Tax Totals when 0.00]. The inclusive tax amount is the sum of the inclusive taxes for each item on the check. You must also select Tender/Media options [21 - Print Summary Totals] and [24 - Print Inclusive Tax or VAT Lines on Check or Receipt] for the inclusive tax totals to print.

15 - Print Check Inclusive Tax Total

If the check contains items with inclusive taxes, this option enables the total inclusive tax to print on the guest check. The line prints according to Tax Parameters option [4 - Print Inclusive Tax Totals when 0.00]. The inclusive tax amount is calculated on the total sales for each tax rate. You must also select Tender/Media options [21 - Print Summary Totals] and [24 - Print Inclusive Tax or VAT Lines on Check or Receipt] for the inclusive tax totals to print.

16 - Print Tax Rate per item

Select to print the applied tax rates for each menu item on guest checks, customer receipts, and the journal.

17 - Enable Tax labels

Select to consolidate tax reporting information based on the defined Tax Labels configured under Tax Rates.

Table 13-4 Tax Parameters Options

Options Description

1 - Do Not Include Tax in Totals on Tip Reports

Select this option to prevent a transaction's calculated tax amount from posting to the gross receipts and charged receipts totals on tip reports.

2 - Require a Reference Entry with Tax Exemptions

Select this option to require operators to enter a reference entry when using an exempt tax function key.

3 - Print VAT Lines Before Summary Totals

Select this option to print VAT lines before summary totals on guest checks and customer receipts.

4 - Always Print VAT Lines Even if 0.00

Select this option to print VAT lines on guest checks and customer receipts even if the calculated tax due is 0.00.

5 - Print Consolidated VAT Line on Checks and Customer Receipts

Select this option to print a consolidated VAT line. If you use this option in conjunction with individual VAT line printing, the consolidated line prints last.

6 - Print VAT Net Totals on Guest Checks and Customer Receipts

Select this option to print a VAT Net Totals line on guest checks and customer receipts.

7 - Print Tax Exempt Voucher

Select this option to print a voucher when any tax is exempted. The voucher prints when a tax exempt function key or a tender exempts tax. The voucher prints at the validation printer designated for the workstation. Deselect this option to suppress printing of a tax exempt voucher.

8 - Post Taxable Sales When the Tax Rate is Zero

Select this option to have taxable sales post to the TAX_DAILY_TOTAL table in Reporting and Analytics when the tax rate is set to 0.00%. The taxable amounts can be used for reporting even though there are no applied taxes. Deselect this option so that taxable sales do NOT post to Reporting and Analytics when the tax rate is set to 0.00%.