Preparing the Server to Configure CAPS

  1. Ensure that the Server has the latest Microsoft Windows updates.
  2. Turn on the Microsoft Windows features:
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

    • Microsoft IIS

  3. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1.
  4. Install the Oracle 12c 32-bit client.
  5. Install the Oracle Database 12c Server.
    1. Deselect the pluggable database option.
    2. Select the database admin user system account or equivalent.
  6. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Package.
  7. From the EMC, configure the CAPSOnIIS CAL package for deployment to the Remote Service Host.
  8. Set up the Service Host prerequisites for deployment to the Remote Service Host.
  9. Set up the Service Host for deployment to the Remote Service Host.
  10. Install the CAL client on the Remote Service Host.
  11. From the EMC, deploy the CAPSOnIIS CAL Package to the configured Service Host.
  12. Deploy the Service Host prerequisites CAL Package.
  13. Deploy the Service Host CAL Package.
  14. Stop the CAPS Service.