Preparing the Server to Configure CAPS

  1. Ensure that the Server has the latest Microsoft Windows patches.
  2. Turn on the Microsoft Windows features:
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

    • Microsoft IIS

  3. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1.
  4. Install Microsoft SQL Server with the instance name SQLExpress. Use the Simphony default sa user password during installation.

    The Oracle Hospitality Simphony Security Guide contains information on using secure passwords and changing default passwords.

  5. In the EMC, set up the Service Host prerequisites for deployment to the Remote Service Host.
  6. In the EMC, set up the Service Host for deployment to the Remote Service Host.
  7. Install the CAL client on the Remote Service Host.
  8. Use CAL to configure the Service Host prerequisites and the CAPS Service Host.