Configuring Add/Transfer Buttons

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Page Design.
  2. Open the page on which to place the Add/Transfer buttons.
  3. Click the Edit tab, and then select the page area in which to define the buttons.
  4. Click Button, and then on the General subtab, select Function from the Type drop-down list.
  5. Click the black arrow directly beneath the Type drop-down list, select Check Add from the Type pane.
  6. Select one of the following function keys, and then click OK:
    • Add/Transfer by Number: Adds or transfers a check within the same revenue center using the check number entered.

    • Add/Transfer Check by Number RVC Index: Adds or transfers a check (using the check number) from the revenue center specified in the Index field. The Index field points to one of the eight revenue centers configured in the Add/Transfer section of the RVC Parameters module.

    • Add/Transfer Check by Number Prompt RVC: Adds or transfers a check (using the check number) from one of the eight add/transfer revenue centers configured in the RVC Parameters module.

    • Add/Transfer Check by Table: Adds or transfers a check within a revenue center. The workstation client prompts for the table number or table ID of the check to be added or transferred.

    • Add/Transfer Check by Table RVC Index: Adds or transfers a check (using the table number or table ID) from the revenue center specified in the Index field. The Index field points to one of the eight revenue centers configured in the add/transfer section of the RVC Parameters module.

    • Add/Transfer Check by Table Prompt RVC: Adds or transfers a check (using the table number or table ID) from one of the eight add/transfer revenue centers configured in the RVC Parameters module.

    • Add/Transfer Check From List Prompt RVC: Prompts users for the revenue center, and then shows all open checks that can be added or transferred from others within the specified revenue center.

    • Add/Transfer Check From List RVC Index: Shows all open checks in the revenue center (specified by the Index field) that can be added or transferred from others. The Index field points to one of the eight revenue centers configured in the Add/Transfer section of the RVC Parameters module.

    • Add/Transfer Check SLU: Shows a list of checks that can be added or transferred from other workstation operators on the Open Check SLU.

  7. Enter a Legend for the button, and then position and size the button on the page.
  8. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 to create buttons as needed for the remaining Add/Transfer functions in Step 6.
  9. Click Save.

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