Tracking Tender Transaction Items

You can identify tender media transaction items (for example, cash, check, and other currency based tenders) that you want ECM to track.

  1. Select the Enterprise, zone, or property, click Configuration, and then click Tender/Media.
  2. Double-click the tender media record.
  3. Click the Options tab, and then click the Ops Behavior subtab.
  4. Select the appropriate Tender options.
    • 91 - Cash Management Transaction Item: Select this option to include the tender record in ECM tracking and reporting.

    • (Optional) 92 - Affects Cash Pull Threshold: Select this option if you want transactions performed for this tender record to affect the Cash Pull Threshold Set balance. Select this option for tender records that would represent a loss if they are lost or stolen (for example, cash and checks). You must select option 91 to use option 92.

  5. Click Save.