Configuring SRM Payment Types for Tenders

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Tender/Media.
  2. Double-click a Tender Media record to open it.
  3. On the General tab, select the appropriate SRM Payment Type for the tender.
    The SRM payment types are:
    • 1 - ARG: Select this option for cash payments.

    • 2 - CRE: Select this option for credit card payments.

    • 3 - DEB: Select this option for Canadian debit card payments.

    • 4 - AUT: Select this option for other payment types such as gift cards.

    • 5 - PKG: Select this option for full payments where the check value posts to a third party system.

  4. If you selected SRM payment type 5 - PKG, click the Options tab, click the Taxing Options subtab, and then click Select All to exempt all taxes from the tender.

    If you do not exempt all taxes, they will post both to the SRM as well the third-party application, resulting in duplicate tax entries.

  5. Click the Options tab, click the Printing Options subtab, and then select the following options:
    • 8 - Print Customer Receipt

    • 21 - Print Summary Totals

    • 22 - Print Check Trailer

    • 23 - Print Check on Demand

    • 28 - Print Guest Check Trailer on Fast Transaction Customer Receipt

  6. If you want the tender to print a special receipt for the merchant, click the Miscellaneous Options subtab, and then select 84 - Quebec SRM Duplicate.

    The printed receipt does not include a barcode. This option is used with Quebec SRM Printer type.

  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 for all tenders that you have configured.