Configuring Servers for Table Management

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or revenue center, click Configuration, and then click Employee Maintenance.
  2. Search for and select the employee record.
  3. In the Check Name field, enter the server’s name as you want it to appear on the workstation. If you do not enter a Check Name, the workstation shows a blank name.
  4. Click the Operator Records subtab near the lower area of the screen.
  5. In the TMS Color field, select the color to distinguish the server from other servers on the host page, and then click OK.

    Although you can set a different color for each revenue center within a property, Oracle recommends that you use a single color for the server across the property. If you do not set a TMS Color, the workstation shows white.

  6. In the Server Efficiency field, enter 0 (zero) if you want the Simphony TMS to ignore the server in the table suggestions.

    The Table Suggestion System (within TMS) sets the Server Efficiency rating to determine the next table recommended for seating. This rating is a value between 0 (zero) and 100, and represents the number of covers that the server can efficiently service at one time.

  7. Click Save.