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Associating Call Objectives, Next Call Objectives, and Outcomes to Products Detailed in a Sales Call

Using the Structured Product Messaging (SPM) page layouts, sales representatives can see the call objectives for their products, the outcomes expected from the sales call for their products, and they can determine their call objectives for a future visit, all of which are based solely on the product. Typically, sales representatives access these records during the product detailing session of a call with a physician to discuss one or more drugs. The details of the visit are captured in a contact call record, and the details of the drug are available in the product record.

In the Product Detailed related information section, the sales representative can pick and choose the following:

  • Call objectives (messaging plan items) from a predefined set of call objectives for a particular product or drug
  • Next call objectives (messaging plan item relations) from a predefined set of next call objectives for a particular product or drug
  • Outcomes (message responses) from a predefined set of outcomes for a particular product or drug

For example, the following table shows the call objectives (messaging plan items) that the sales manager might set for a sales representative.


Product Name

Call Objective Name


Drug A

Introduce the benefits of Drug A to the physician.


Drug A

Discuss the proposed pricing and discount regime of Drug A with the physician.


Drug A

Discuss the potential sales of Drug A with the physician for the coming year.


Drug A

Drop off supplementary information about Drug A to the physician.


Drug B

Inform the physician about the superiority of Drug B relative to Drug A for certain medical conditions.


Drug B

Drop off samples of Drug B to the physician.

Fields in the Products Detailed Related Information Section

The following fields are available only in the Products Detailed Related Information section:

  • Primary Messaging Plan Item (which can be renamed Call Objective)
  • Primary Messaging Plan Item Rel (which can be renamed Next Call Objective)
  • Primary Message Response (which can be renamed Outcome)

In addition, the following related items are available to associate SPM (or PCD) records with the Products Detailed record:

  • Call Product Detail Call Objectives (Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Items)
  • Call Product Detail Next Call Objectives (Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Item Relations)
  • Call Product Detail Outcomes (Call Product Detail Message Responses)

This topic refers to these related items collectively as Call Product Detailed related items. Call Product Detailed related items and PCD records have a many-to-many relationship. That is, one PCD record can be associated with multiple and different Call Product Detailed related item records.

The company administrator for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition configures the Products Detailed Related Information section for the call page layouts for account calls, contact calls, and attendee calls. For more information on configuring the page layouts for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition, see the information on page layouts in Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Before you begin. Your administrator must set up dynamic page layouts for SPM as described in Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition. If your administrator sets up the dynamic page layouts, then selecting an SPM type results in a different page layout from the default layout for PCD record types. For example, for a Messaging Plan Item record, selecting a Call Objective type results in a Call Objective page layout. For more information on setting up dynamic page layouts, see Specifying Dynamic Page Layouts. In addition, your administrator must set up your user access profile so that you have Read-Only, View, or Inherit Primary access to the related information SPM records on the Products Detailed detail page.

To associate the SPM (or PCD) record types with the Products Detailed record, you must meet the following conditions:

  • The products on the Call Product Detailed related items and PCD records must match.
  • You must set the PCD record types as follows:
    • The Messaging Plan Item type must be set to Call Objective.
    • The Messaging Plan Item Relations type must be set to Next Call Objective.
    • The Message Response type must be set to Outcome.

These conditions are enforced when you create the associations. However, they are not enforced thereafter. Consequently:

  • Do not change the Product field on the Call Product Detailed related items after you have created an association.
  • Do not modify the Product and Type fields on the PCD records after they have been added to Call Product Detailed related items as child records.
  • Do not delete any existing association or modify the Product Detailed or PCD records and then attempt to restore the association.

To associate call objectives, next call objectives, and outcomes with products detailed in a sales call

  1. In the Call Detail page for a contact call, account call, or attendee call, navigate to the Product Detailed related information section.

    The Product Detailed section includes columns for the Primary Call Objective (Primary Messaging Plan Item), Primary Next Call Objective (Primary Messaging Plan Item Relations), and Primary Outcome (Primary Message Response).

  2. Navigate to the row for the product that you are discussing during the sales call, and click the product name, for example, Drug A.
  3. In the Product Detailed Detail page:
    • To associate a call objective with Drug A, scroll to the Call Product Detail Call Objectives (Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Items) related information section, click Select, and in the Edit page, use the Lookup selector to select the call objective (messaging plan item) for Drug A from the list of call objectives (messaging plan items), and then save the Product Detailed record.
    • To associate a next call objective with Drug A, scroll to the Call Product Detail Next Call Objectives (Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Item Relations) related information section, click Select, and in the Edit page, use the Lookup selector to select the next call objective (messaging plan item relations) for Drug A from the list of next call objectives (messaging plan item relations), and then save the Product Detailed record.
    • To associate an outcome with Drug A, scroll to the Call Product Detail Outcomes (Call Product Detail Message Responses) related information section, click Select, and in the Edit page, use the Lookup selector to select the outcome (messaging response) for Drug A from the list of outcomes (messaging responses), and then save the Product Detailed record.

      NOTE: You might need to add the related information sections (in the preceding list) to the Product Detailed Detail page. For information about personalizing Detail page layouts, see Changing Your Detail Page Layout. If the sections are not available to add to your page layout, then contact your company administrator.

      NOTE: SPM (or PCD) records cannot be created from within a Product Detailed detail view, but they can be associated only with the Product Detailed record. The SPM (or PCD) records must be created from the SPM (or PCD) pages and must be associated with the same product brand, for example, Drug A. Each SPM (or PCD) record can be associated with the product brand that is detailed in different calls. However, within the same call, you cannot choose the same SPM (or PCD) record for the same product being detailed. Your administrator must set up the SPM (or PCD) Detail pages as described in Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.