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Manage Lists Page

The Manage Lists page shows the filtered lists for a specific record type:—those lists that you created, the lists your managers created for you to use, as well as lists provided by the system. You can access the Manage Lists page by selecting Manage Lists from the Menu button on a list page. For more information about accessing list management options, see Working with Lists.

From this page, you can perform the tasks shown in the following table.

To do this

Follow these steps

Add a list to Favorite Lists

In the row for the list, click the Add to Favorites icon.

Change the set of lists that appears on the record Homepage and in picklists of lists

For information about changing sets of lists, see Changing Sets of Lists for Record Types.

Create a filtered list

In the Manage Lists title bar, click New List. On the New List page, enter the required information, and save the record.

Delete a list

In the row for the list that you want to delete, click Delete.

You can delete only lists that you created.

Page through the list

Click the navigation icons at the top or bottom of the list page to move to the next page, previous page, first page, or last page in the list.

Show more/fewer records

In the Number of records displayed drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select a number of records to see at one time.

Update a list

In the row for the list you want to update, click Edit. This opens the Refine List page, where you can update the list.

NOTE: You cannot change the standard filtered lists distributed with the application, or the filtered lists saved before the updating capability became available.

View the key information and filter information for a list

In the row for the list, click View. This action opens the View List page.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.