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Updating Your Personal Details

You can update your personal details, such as your address and phone number. Your company administrator controls the layout and information that you see on your Personal Detail page, consequently there might be differences between the following descriptions and what you see.

NOTE: Changes made to your Default Language, Currency, Time Zone, and Country on the Personal Profile pages are not reflected in all reports and analyses until you sign out and sign in again.

To update your personal details

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the My Setup global link.
  2. In the Personal Profile section, click the Personal Profile link.
  3. In the Personal Information section, click the My Profile link.
  4. In the Personal Detail section, click Edit.
  5. In the Personal Edit form, update the information, then save the record.

    Note: You must sign out and in again to activate some of the changes (Language, Locale, Time Zone, and Currency).

The following table describes some fields you can review or update.



Key User Information

First Name

The first name of the user. Limit of 50 characters. This is a required field.

Last Name

The last name of the user. Limit of 50 characters. This is a required field.

Middle Name

The middle name of the user. Limit of 50 characters.


The salutation of the user.


This read-only field indicates the status of the user. Only active users can access Oracle CRM On Demand.

Reports To

This read-only field indicates the manager of the user.

NOTE: Depending on how your company administrator sets up the user page layouts for your company, you might see the Reports To (Alias) field instead of the Reports To field. The Reports To (Alias) field shows the short identifier for the manager of the user.

Job Title

This read-only field shows the job title of the user


The region or area where the user is located. Limit of 40 characters.


A further refinement of the region or area where the user is located. Limit of 40 characters.


This read-only field indicates the role assigned to the user in Oracle CRM On Demand. User roles define the features in Oracle CRM On Demand that a user has the privileges to use, the set of permissions the user is given to work with protected information, and the user interface settings that display information.

Primary Group

The group to which this user has been added. Read-only.

Default Book

The user book or custom book that you see by default in the Book selector at the start of your session in Oracle CRM On Demand. The default book applies to the Book selector in all areas of Oracle CRM On Demand other than the Reports Homepage or the Dashboard Homepage. The setting in the Default Book field does not limit your access to records. You can select a different book in the Book selector.

You can change your default book. You can select any book to which you have visibility, that is, you can select any book of which you are a member, or any subbook of a book of which you are a member. However, to select a custom book as your default book, your user role must allow you to access the Book record type. That is, the Has Access check box must be selected for the Book record type on your user role.

NOTE: Your administrator can specify a default book for each record type for you. If a default book is specified for a record type for you, then in the Book selector, the default book for the record type takes precedence over the default book that is specified in the Default Book field on your personal profile.

Default Book for Analytics

The user book or custom book that you see by default in the Book selector on the Reports Homepage and the Dashboard Homepage. This setting does not limit your access to data. You can select a different book in the Book selector.

Preserve Default Book

This check box applies to the Book selector in all areas of Oracle CRM On Demand except the Reports Homepage and the Dashboard Homepage. The Preserve Default Book check box works as follows:

  • If this check box is selected, then the Book selector shows the book that is selected in the Default Book field in your user profile each time that you open any page or window where the Book selector is available. You can select a different book in the Book selector in any page or window. However, the next time that you revisit that page or window, or you open any other page or window where the Book selector is available, you see the default book in the Book selector. Your earlier selection in the Book selector is lost.
  • If this check box is not selected, then the Book selector shows the book that is selected in the Default Book field in your user profile until you select a different book in the Book selector. After you select a different book in the Book selector, you continue to see the new book in the Book selector for that record type until you sign out and sign in again.

User Detail Information


A short identifier for the user that is used to assign or show ownership on specific record types. For example, enter the user's preferred name or nickname. This is a required field and is set up by the company administrator.

User ID

A unique system identifier for a user used in conjunction with Company Sign In ID to sign in to the application. This is a required field, which the company administrator sets up.


The complete email address for a user, such as The email address is used for system notifications such as a reset password notification. This is a required field, which the company administrator sets up.

Secondary Email

The secondary email address for the user.

Work Phone #

The user's work telephone number. This is a required field.

Cellular Phone #

The user's cellular phone number.

Company Sign In ID

The company to which the user belongs. This is a default field and is set up at the time the company is created.

User Sign In ID

The ID with which the user signs in to the application. The ID is a combination of the Company Sign In ID and the User ID, separated by a forward slash. The User Sign in ID is a required field and is set up by the company administrator.

Contact Preferences

Never Call

Select this check box if you do not want to receive calls from Oracle CRM On Demand Marketing.

Never Mail

Select this check box if you do not want to receive mail from Oracle CRM On Demand Marketing.

Never Email

Select this check box if you do not want to receive email messages from Oracle CRM On Demand Marketing.

Always Send Critical Alerts

If this check box is selected, you receive email messages containing important information from Oracle CRM On Demand. These messages include:

  • Critical information about product updates and service changes for Oracle CRM On Demand and related products
  • Instructions and schedules for upgrades to major new releases
  • High priority or emergency communications to supplement normal support processes (for example, in the case of a hardware failure)

    This field cannot be updated on your Personal Details page. Only company administrators have the ability to update this check box for users, from the User Details page.

NOTE: This check box is not used to determine which users receive the system alerts issued by Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care, such as reminders for upcoming scheduled maintenance.

User Geographic Information

Language, Locale, Currency, Time Zone

Your company administrator sets up the default settings for these items. You can override the defaults by clicking the picklist for each item, and selecting the value that you want.

For more information on these fields, see About Profile Settings for Users.

You must sign out and sign in again to activate any change to your language, locale, currency, or time zone.

User Security Information

Reporting Subject Areas

Use this picklist to set your visibility to real-time report records in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers. These reports provide real-time analyses of data. You can select one of the following values:

Manager Visibility - Allows you to see your own data, plus data directly owned by your subordinates. (This is the default setting.)

Team Visibility - Allows you to see your own data, plus data shared with you by the Account and Opportunity Team.

If you do not define the Reporting Subject Areas setting, the company-wide setting that is set up by your company administrator applies. For more information on reports, see Reports, particularly the About Visibility to Records topic.

Historical Subject Areas

Use this picklist to set your visibility to records for the Analytics subject areas in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers. Analytics reports have to do with historical or trend analysis, or contain more complex calculations than those found in real-time reports. You can select one of the following values:

Manager Visibility - Allows you to see your own data, plus data directly owned by your subordinates. (This is the default setting.)

Team Visibility - Allows you to see your own data, plus data shared with you by the Account and Opportunity Team.

Full Visibility - This setting combines Manager Visibility, Team Visibility, and books.

If you do not define the Historical Subject Areas setting, the company-wide setting that is set up by your company administrator applies. For more information on reports, see Reports, particularly the About Visibility to Records topic.

Role-Based Can Read All Records

Use this picklist if you want Oracle CRM On Demand Answers reporting to use the Can Read All Records setting on record-type basis, as defined on the Record Type Access page within the Role management wizard. For example, if the Can Read All Records visibility setting is selected by your company administrator for your user role on a given record type, (by clicking Admin, User Management and Access Controls, Role Management, then editing a role and clicking Record Type Access), you can view all records of that record type in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers, provided the Role-Based Can Read All Records setting is enabled either through the Company Profile or your User Profile.

See About the Role-Based Can Read All Records Setting for guidance on when and how to enable the Role-Base Can Read all Records.

If you do not select Role-Based Can Read All Records, then Oracle CRM On Demand Answers reporting uses the visibility set on Reporting Subject Areas and Historical Subject Areas fields.

External Identifier for Single Sign On

Read-only. For more information, see Setting Up Your Company Profile and Global Defaults.

Last Sign In

A system-generated field. For information on reviewing all your sign-in attempts, see Reviewing Your Sign In Activity.

Communications Settings

Display Click-to-Dial Popup

This check box is for users who are set up with Oracle Contact On Demand. Oracle Contact On Demand renders phone numbers as links that you can click on the List and Detail pages. If you select the Display Click-to-Dial Popup check box, and then click a phone number link, you are prompted with a Click-To-Dial window before the Oracle Contact On Demand places the call. For more information about placing internal or external calls, see Placing Calls.

Display Communication Homepage Inbox for

Select a value from the menu to determine the period during which the Communication Homepage inbox displays activities, for example, Last Month, Last Day, and so on. Oracle CRM On Demand filters these activities. The filter is based on the activity start time. The shorter the period the fewer the number of communications activities that are displayed. If you select All from the menu, or leave the menu blank, then the Communications page displays all communications. You must log out and log in again for this change to take effect.

Display Communication Homepage recently completed activities for

Select a value from the menu to determine the period during which the Communication Homepage displays the recently completed activities, for example, Last Month, Last Day, and so on. Oracle CRM On Demand filters these activities. The filter is based on the activity end time. The shorter the period, the fewer the number of communications activities that are displayed. If you select All from the menu, or leave the menu blank, then the Communications page displays all activities. You must log out and log in again for this change to take effect.

Additional Information

Default Theme

This picklist allows you to select the available application-wide themes for your application when you sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand using a desktop or laptop computer. A theme changes the look and feel of the application, including its background color, hyperlinks, and icons. Several predefined themes are available. However, your company administrator can create custom themes in Oracle CRM On Demand. A blank value indicates that you have to use the theme that your company administrator has set in the company profile. For more information on creating custom themes, see Creating New Themes.

Tablet Theme

The tablet theme is automatically used when you sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand using a tablet computer or other touch-screen device, provided that the tablet computer or touch-screen device is detected by Oracle CRM On Demand. If you do not select a default theme and a tablet theme in your personal profile, then the themes that are specified for your user role are used, and if no themes are specified for your user role, then the themes that are specified for your company are used. For more information on how themes work in Oracle CRM On Demand, see About the Interface.

Default Search Record Type

This picklist allows you to change the default search record type to display in the Action bar search. (For example, change Contact to Account or another record type that you can access.) The action bar search box defaults to this record type every time you sign in to the application regardless of where you left it the last time you were signed into the application.

Show Welcome Page on Sign In

This check box allows you to specify whether the Oracle CRM On Demand Welcome Page is displayed when you sign in to the application.

Record Preview Mode

This picklist allows you to enable the record preview functionality and to specify how the preview window opens. Depending on the setting you select, the preview window opens when you hover your pointer over a link to a record, or when you click on a preview icon that appears when you hover your pointer over a link to a record. The preview window shows the first section of the Detail page of the record. You also have the option of disabling the record preview functionality by selecting Off in this field.

The record preview setting can be specified at company level by your company administrator, and by each user. Your personal setting overrides the setting for the company. If this field is blank, the record preview setting for the company is used.

Head-up Display

If the head-up display functionality is turned on, links to the related information sections of the page (such as linked records sections) are available in the head-up display at the bottom of your browser window. You can click the links to go to the related information sections without having to scroll down the page. You can collapse the head-up display by clicking the minus icon (-) in the display; to expand the display again, click the plus icon (+). Your expand or collapse setting in the head-up display is maintained for all record types until you change it again, even if you sign out of the application and sign in again.

You can also remove the head-up display completely from your Detail pages, by turning off the functionality in your personal profile.

NOTE: The head-up display functionality can be turned on or off at company level, and by each individual user. Your personal setting overrides the company setting. The colors in the head-up display are determined by the theme you are using. For more information about choosing a theme, see Setting Your Theme.

Related Information Format

If your user role has the Personalize Related Information Display Format privilege, then you can choose to show the related information sections on record Detail pages as lists or as tabs. If the Related Information Format field in your personal profile is blank, then the setting for your user role is used; and if the Related Information Format field on your user role is blank, then the setting for the company is used.

User Time Zone Support for Reporting Subject Areas

If this check box is selected on your user profile, then the dates and times in real-time reports are shown according to your time zone.

Depending on how your company administrator sets up your Personal Profile page, you might be able to change this setting.

If this check box is not selected on your user profile, then the dates and times shown in reports are displayed according to the company's time zone.

Freeze List Column Header

This picklist determines how you view column headers for lists and search results in Oracle CRM On Demand. You can select the following values:

  • On. When you scroll down a list of records, and the column header row reaches the top of the browser window, the column labels are always visible.
  • Off. When you scroll down a list of records and the column header row reaches the top of the browser window, the column labels are no longer visible.

    NOTE: If the Freeze List Column Header field in your personal profile is blank, then the setting for the company is used.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.