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Group Management

Group Management is an optional feature that gives your company the ability to set up teams of people who work together, allowing them to share a common set of information.

Setting up groups at your company allows users to do the following:

  • Group members can access a merged calendar, showing the availability for all members in their group. This allows employees to determine the best time to schedule appointments and to notify employees (and contacts) of appointments.

    NOTE: Users must have the Share Calendar privilege assigned to their role to be able to access the merged group calendar. Users who have the Share Calendar privilege can also set up custom calendar views. For more information, see Viewing the Calendars of Other Users and Adding Custom Calendar Views.

  • Group members can share ownership of the following record types automatically:
    • Activity
    • Account
    • Contact
    • Household
    • Opportunity
    • Portfolio

      When a record is assigned to a member of a group, all members of the group become joint owners of the record. For example, if a user belongs to group XYZ, then any account that is assigned to the user after the user becomes a member of the group is included in the account lists for all members of group XYZ. On such records, the group name appears in the Primary Group field if this field is present on the Detail page layout. All of the members of the group, including the designated owner of the record, appear in the Team related information section on the record Detail page. All members of the group can update the record.

      By default, the current group's members have full access to group records that were assigned to a group member after the member joined the group. The details about appointment, task, and contact records that are marked Private cannot be read by other group members.

      NOTE: For this functionality to work, the Default Group Assignment option in the Company Profile page must be selected. The option must be selected before the groups are created. For more information, see Setting Up Groups.

This behavior applies to groups:

  • Each user can belong to only one group.

    After a user is added to a group, his name no longer appears on the user list when selecting group members.

  • If you select the group assignment option at your company:
    • Records that exist before a group is defined are not updated unless the Owner field is updated with a new owner belonging to a group.
    • When a user joins a group, the user gains access to the group's records. However, records owned by the new group member prior to the user joining the group are not automatically visible to the existing group members. If a user becomes the owner of records after the user is added to a group, the new records are visible to other group members.

      The following example illustrates group record ownership:

      • User 1 and User 2 belong to Group 1. User 3 does not belong to Group 1.
      • User 3 owns Account 31. User 1 and User 2 will not have access to Account 31.
      • User 3 is added to Group 1. User 1 and User 2 still will not have access to Account 31.
      • User 3 becomes owner of Account 32. User 1 and User 2 will have access to Account 32.
  • If users are deleted from a group, they are removed from all shared records that the group owns. They retain access to their private records.

About Groups and Record Ownership Modes

Depending on the record ownership mode that you set up for a record type, records of that type might not have an owner. A record might instead have a primary custom book or might have no owner or primary custom book. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Record Ownership Modes. Record ownership modes apply only to record types that support books.

If you change the record ownership mode for a record type, then a record that previously had an owner might have the owner removed from the record when the record is updated for the first time after the ownership mode changes. In this case, if the former owner of the record is a member of a group, then all of the members of the group, except the former owner of the record, remain as members of the team. However, the Account record type is an exception to this rule. If the former owner of an account is a member of a group, then all of the members of the group are removed from the team.

NOTE: In the standard application, the former owner of the record is not retained as a member of the team, as described here. However, your administrator can configure the record type so that the former owner of the record is retained as a member of the team on the record. For information about configuring a record type to retain the former owner as a member of the team, see Customizing Previous Ownership for Shared Records.

Groups and Teams

Oracle CRM On Demand distinguishes between Groups and Teams:

  • Groups are set up by the company administrator and apply to entire sets of records across the company. The Group feature must be enabled by Customer Care or by the company administrator when the company is set up for Oracle CRM On Demand.
  • The record owners or company administrators set up teams. Teams apply to only those record types that allow teams, including:
    • Account
    • Accreditation
    • Application
    • Business Plan
    • Certification
    • Contact
    • Course
    • Custom Objects
    • Deal Registration
    • Event
    • Exam
    • Household
    • Lead
    • MDF Request
    • Objective
    • Opportunity
    • Order
    • Partner
    • Portfolio
    • Sample Request
    • Service Request
    • Special Pricing Request

      To set up a team to access the record, the owner must explicitly share that record using the Team section on the record Detail page.

For information on setting up groups, see Setting Up Groups.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information about groups and sharing calendars:

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.