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About Access Levels for Related Record Types

You grant or revoke access rights to related record types in step 2 of the Access Profile Wizard. For more information about using the Access Profile Wizard, see Process of Setting Up Access Profiles.

Related record types that are controlled through special privileges appear in all access profiles with the access level set to No Access by default. You must change the default setting to give your users the level of access that they require to the various record types.

For example, the Custom Object 04 record type is a related record type on the parent Opportunity record type. In the Full access profile, the Custom Object 04 related record type has its access level set to No Access by default. As a result, a user who is on an opportunity team with the Full access profile cannot see the related record types based on the Custom Object 04 related record type. If you want the user to see the Custom Object 04 records on opportunity records, you must change the default access level.

This topic describes the following:

  • Record Relationships
  • Access Level Options for Related Record Types

Record Relationships

The relationship between a parent record type and its related record type (the child record) determines the access-level options that are available for assignment to the related record type.

The relationships types and the available access level options are as follows:

  • One-to-many relationship. In a one-to-many relationship, the parent record can have many child records of the related record type. For example, the Assets related record type is available in the Account Related Information page in the Access Profile Wizard. The Account parent record type has a one-to-many relationship with the Assets related record type. The following access levels are available for the one-to-many relationship:
    • View
    • Read-only
    • No Access
  • One-to-many-primary relationship. In a one-to-many-primary relationship, the related record type is based on a primary record type, and the access rights of the primary record type can determine the access rights for the related record type. The parent record in a one-to-many-primary relationship can have many child records of the related record type. For example, the Opportunities related record type in the Account Related Information page is based on the Opportunity primary record type. The Account parent record type has a one-to-many-primary relationship with the Opportunities related record type. The following access levels are available for the one-to-many-primary relationship:
    • View
    • Read-only
    • No Access
    • Inherit Primary
  • One-to-child relationship. In a one-to-child relationship, the child records are based on a record type that does not have a corresponding primary record type. Attachments, Notes, and Teams are some examples of related record types that do not have a corresponding primary record type.

    NOTE: An exception to this rule is the relationship between contact child records on an opportunity. Although the Contact record type has a corresponding primary record type, the relationship between the opportunity and the contacts is a one-to-child relationship. Users can add existing contacts to an opportunity, or remove contacts from an opportunity. Users cannot create new contacts from an opportunity.

    The following access levels are available for the one-to-child relationship:

    • Read/Create
    • Read/Create/Edit
    • Read/Edit
    • Read/Edit/Delete
    • Read-Only
    • No Access
    • Full
  • One-to-read-only relationship. The one-to-read-only relationship is similar to the one-to-child relationship. However, as the name of the relationship suggests, users cannot edit or create the child records in a one-to-read-only relationship. Audit Trail is an example of a related record type that does not have a corresponding primary record type. Oracle CRM On Demand creates the Audit Trail record type. The following access levels are available for the one-to-read-only relationship:
    • Read-Only
    • No Access
  • Many-to-many relationship. In a many-to-many relationship, the parent record type and the related record type are both based on primary record types, and the records of each record type can be the parent or child of the other, depending on how you view the relationship. For example, the Accounts related record type in the Custom Object 01 Related Information page in the Access Profile Wizard is based on the Account primary record type. The Custom Object 01 parent record type has a many-to-many relationship with the Accounts related record type.

    NOTE: The relationships between two record types can be different, depending on which record type is the parent, and which record type is the related record type. For example, although the Custom Object 01 parent record type has a many-to-many relationship with the Accounts related record type, the Account parent record type has a many-to-many-primary relationship with the Custom Objects 01 related record type.

    The following access levels are available for the many-to-many relationship:

    • Read/Create
    • Read-Only
    • View
    • No Access
  • Many-to-many-primary relationship. A many-to-many-primary relationship is also a relationship in which the parent record type and the related record type are both based on primary record types, and the records of each record type can be the parent or child of the other. However, some additional access levels are available in the cases where the access rights of the primary record type can determine the access rights for the related record type. For example, the Custom Objects 01 related record type in the Account Related Information Page in the Access Profile Wizard Account is based on the Custom Object 01 primary record type. The Account parent record type has a many-to-many-primary relationship with the Custom Objects 01 related record type. The following access levels are available for the many-to-many-primary relationship:
    • Read/Create
    • Read-Only
    • View
    • No Access
    • Inherit Primary
    • Add/Inherit Primary
    • Add/Remove/Inherit Primary

      NOTE: The Read/Create access level is not supported for the following record types: Call Product Detail Message Responses, Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Item Relations, and Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Items.

Access Level Options for Related Record Types

The full set of access level options for related record types is as follows:

  • No Access. The No Access option is available for all related record types. It prevents the user from viewing records in a related list.
  • Read-Only. The Read-Only access level prevents the user from editing the related records inline on the parent record.
  • Read/Create. The Read/Create access level is available for related record types that are one-to-child records or are part of many-to-many relationships. For one-to-child records, the Read/Create access level allows the user to create a new record or drill down on existing records to view the details, but it does not allow the user to edit or delete records. For many-to-many relationships, the Read/Create access level allows the user to associate an existing record as a child on a parent record, but it does not allow the user to remove an existing association.
  • Read/Create/Edit. The Read/Create/Edit access level is available for related record types that are one-to-child records. It allows the user to create a new record or drill down on existing records to view the details and edit the record if required. The Read/Create/Edit access level does not allow the user to delete child records.
  • Read/Edit. The Read/Edit access level is available for all relationships except related records that are read-only in one-to-read-only relationships. The Read/Edit access level allows the user to view and edit related records.
  • Read/Edit/Delete. The Read/Edit/Delete access level is available for related record types that are child records in one-to-child relationships. The Read/Edit/Delete access level allows the user to drill down on existing records to view the record details, to edit the record, or to delete the record. The Read/Edit/Delete access level does not allow the user to create new child records.
  • Full. The Full access level is available for related record types that do not have a corresponding primary record type. For such record types, the Full access level allows the user to create, view, edit, and delete records.
  • View. The View access level is available for related record types in one-to-many and many-to-many relationships only. With the View access level, the behavior of the related records is as follows:
    • All the child records that are related to a parent record are shown in the list of related records, irrespective of whether the user is authorized to see the child records themselves.
    • Each related record inherits the access level from its own primary record type rather than the access level of the parent record type in the relationship.

      For example, if the access level is set to View for the related Opportunity record type on the Account parent record type, then the behavior of the related opportunity records is as follows:

    • All opportunities that are related to a parent account record are shown in the list of related records, irrespective of whether the user is authorized to see the opportunity records.
    • Each opportunity record inherits the access level from the primary Opportunity record type and not from its parent Account record type. When a user attempts to drill down on a related opportunity record to see more details of the record, the operation is successful if the opportunity record still exists, and only if the user is authorized to see the details of that opportunity record. If the user is not authorized to see the details of that opportunity record, then the user sees an error message.
  • Inherit Primary. The Inherit Primary access level is available for certain one-to-many and many-to-many related record types only. With the Inherit Primary access level, the behavior of the related records is as follows:
    • Only the related child records that the user is authorized to see are shown in the list of related records.
    • Each related record inherits the access level from its own primary record type rather than the access level of the parent record type in the relationship.

      For example, if the access level is set to Inherit Primary for the related Opportunity record type on the Account parent record type, then the behavior of the related opportunity records is as follows:

    • Only those related opportunity records that the user is authorized to see are shown in the list of related records.
    • Each opportunity record inherits the access level from the primary Opportunity record type and not from its parent Account record type. When a user attempts to drill down on a related opportunity record to see more details of the record, the operation is always successful if the opportunity record still exists because the user is authorized to see the details of all of the opportunity records in the list of related records.

      For many-to-many relationships, selecting the Inherit Primary access level means that the user cannot add or remove a relationship between two existing records. However, the Inherit Primary access level is also available in combination with the Add access right, or in combination with the Add and Remove access rights.

      NOTE: If the Inherit Primary access level (or any of its combinations) is found on any of the profiles used for a related record type, the Inherit Primary setting takes precedence. For example, if the Inherit Primary and View access levels are both found, the Inherit Primary access level overrides the View access level. If the Inherit Primary, Read-Only, and View access levels are all found, the Inherit Primary access right overrides the View and Read-Only access levels.

  • Add/Inherit Primary. The Add/Inherit Primary access level is available for related records that share a many-to-many relationship with the parent. The Inherit Primary element of the Add/Inherit Primary access level works in the same way as the Inherit Primary access level. However, the Add/Inherit Primary access level also allows the user to associate an existing related record with the parent record. If a related record is successfully added, that record inherits the access level of its primary record. The Add/Inherit Primary access level does not allow users to remove an existing related record.
  • Add/Remove/Inherit Primary. The Add/Remove/Inherit Primary access level is available for related records that share a many-to-many relationship with the parent. The Inherit Primary element of the Add/Remove/Inherit Primary access level works in the same way as the Inherit Primary access level. However, the Add/Remove/Inherit Primary access level also allows the user to associate an existing related record with the parent record, or to remove (dissociate) the link between the records. When a user removes or dissociates a related record, the record is not deleted and remains in the database. If a related record is successfully added, that record inherits the access level of its primary record.

As a general rule, for the related record types shown in the following table, the Inherit Primary access level is supported in all cases in which the record type is available as a related record type. However, the following exceptions apply:

  • For the Household parent record type, the Leads related record type does not support the Inherit Primary access level.
  • For the Partner parent record type, the Opportunity related record type does not support the Inherit Primary access level.

If the access level is currently set to View for any of the relationships indicated in the following table, then it is recommended that you change the access level from View to Inherit Primary.

NOTE: The access level that you set for the Completed Activities related record type applies to the records that are shown in the Completed Activities related information section in a parent record Detail page. The access level that you set for the Activities or Open Activities related record types applies to the records that are shown in the Activities, Open Tasks, Open Appointments, and Open Activities related information sections in a parent record Detail page.

Related Record Type

Accreditation Requests


Attendee Call

Business Plans

Call Product Detail Message Responses

Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Item Relations

Call Product Detail Messaging Plan Items


Certification Requests

Completed Activities

Course Enrollments

Custom Objects 01 and higher

Exam Registrations

Financial Account: Account Holder

Financial Account: Branch

Financial Account: Held Away Institution

Financial Accounts


Message Responses

Messaging Plan Item Relations

Messaging Plan Items


Open Activities


Plan Accounts

Plan Contacts

Plan Opportunities

Service Requests


Transaction Items

The following table lists the relationships where the Inherit Primary, Add/Inherit Primary, and Add/Remove/Inherit Primary access levels are all available. The relationships in this table are many-to-many relationships.

NOTE: If you currently use the Read/Create access level for any of the many-to-many relationships that support the Inherit Primary access level and its combinations, then it is recommended that you change the Read/Create access level to one of the Inherit Primary combinations on the related record types.

Parent Record Type

Related Record Type


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03






Completed Activities


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Open Activities



Custom Objects 01 through 03

Completed Activities

Custom Objects 01 through 03

Custom Objects 01 through 03

Custom Objects 01 through 03

Open Activities

Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03

Service Requests


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Service Requests


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03

Service Request

Custom Objects 01 through 03


Custom Objects 01 through 03


Service Requests


Custom Objects 01 through 03

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