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Submitting Call Detail Information for Inventory Tracking

The following procedure describes how to submit call detail information for inventory tracking.

NOTE: If the call record does not contain a valid contact state license or an associated signature record, and the validation checks for these conditions have been set up by your administrator on the Life Science Related Preferences page, then Oracle CRM On Demand displays an error message and prevents the call submission. For information on the relevant preferences, see the information on Enable Contact State License Validation and Enable Signature Validation in Setting Life Sciences Related Preferences.

About Submitting Attendee Call and Account Calls

In releases of Oracle CRM On Demand before Release 24, if you submitted attendee call information, then Oracle CRM On Demand did not permit you to submit related account call information, and the account call remained in an ambiguous state regardless of whether the account call contained inventory items and a valid signature. However, in Release 24, the account call submission feature has been enhanced as follows:

  • You can submit an account call regardless of the status of any associated attendee call.
  • Even if an account call is already marked as Submitted, then clicking Submit on the Call Detail page does not result in an error, and Oracle CRM On Demand continues to check the child attendee calls and submits them if they have not been submitted already.
  • If an account call is not marked as Submitted, then clicking Submit in the Call Detail page submits that account call and all the associated attendee calls that are not in Submitted status without generating an error.
  • If the account call and all the attendee calls are marked as Submitted, and if you click Submit on the Call Detail page, then Oracle CRM On Demand does not generate an error, but it does not continue with call processing so that duplicate records are not created.

To submit the Call Detail information for inventory tracking

  • When all of the information has been entered and saved on the Call Detail page, click Submit to submit the call detail information for processing.

    When you click Submit, a disbursement transaction is created recording the samples or promotional items that have been dropped off, and the following happens:

    • The status of the account call changes to Submitted.
    • The sales representative's sample inventory is reduced according to the promotional items and samples dropped off on the call.

      NOTE: Sample request orders do not affect the sample inventory.

    • The sample request orders are submitted.
    • The account call is closed.
    • You can only view the account call details.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.