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Creating and Editing Fields

You can create custom fields and edit existing field definitions in the Field Edit page for a record type, which you access from the record type Fields page. The record type Fields page shows the display name for each field, the field type, whether the field is required, and whether the copy enabled function is available for the field.

If your role includes the Upload Client Side Extensions and Manage Custom HTML Head Tag privilege, then the HTML Field Tag column is also displayed on the record type Fields page. This column shows the field names to be used in custom JavaScript code that performs operations on fields. For more information about developing such custom code, see Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer’s Guide.

The Integration Tag Web Services v2.0 column in the record type Fields page shows the integration tag for each field. These are the field names used in the WSDL files for Web Services v2.0. For more information about WSDL files, see Downloading WSDL and Schema Files.

NOTE: In the Custom Object record types, you can create custom related information fields. For these record types, the following fields are available on the Field Edit page: Related Information, Related Record Type, and Related Field. These fields on the Field Edit page are used only for creating custom related information fields. Most of the other fields on the Field Edit page become read-only fields after you select the Related Information check box. For information about custom related information fields and how to create them, see About Custom Related Information Fields and Creating Custom Related Information Fields.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Customize Application privilege.

To create custom fields and edit fields

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Record Types Setup section, click the link for the required record type.
  4. In the Field Management section, click record type Field Setup.
  5. On the Fields page:
    • Click New Field if you are creating a custom field.
    • Click the Edit link for the field to edit the field's definition.

      NOTE: If you have edited a standard field and want to reset all edited values to the default settings, click the Default button located beside the Save and Cancel buttons.

  6. On the Field Edit page, enter a Display Name.

    The display name is the label for the field.

  7. On the Field Edit page, select a Field Type if you are creating a field.

    CAUTION: The Field Type cannot be changed after you save the custom field.

    The following rules apply to custom fields, which might differ from those applicable to default fields of the same field type:

    Field Type

    Maximum Length


    Check Box


    NOTE: Users are not compelled to select a field of type Checkbox that is marked as Required. If you want the check box field to have a value of True (that is, you want the check box to be selected), then you must use field validation rules on the check box field. For more information, see About Field Management.









    Whole numbers ranging in value from -2147483647 to 2147483647.

    Multi-select picklist


    You cannot define a default value for a multi-select picklist.




    Numbers ranging in value from - 2147483648 to 2147483647.






    A maximum of 1000 values can be defined for a picklist. However, only 300 of these values are available in the user interface. The total set of picklist values retrieved at run time is calculated based on the number of picklist values multiplied by the number of languages that are active at the company level. This number must not exceed 10000. For example, if there are 900 list of values and 12 active languages, then Oracle CRM On Demand cannot access this picklist because the combined list of retrieved values is 10800, which exceeds 10000.

    Although the maximum length for picklist values is 30, only the first 28 characters are used to determine whether an entered value is a duplicate of an existing value.

    NOTE: When defining picklist values, the picklist order for each language is independent. That is, when you define the picklist value order for one language, this order is not automatically duplicated if you translate the picklist into other languages. If you want to keep the picklist value order consistent for all languages, then you must manually set the correct order for all translations.

    Text (Long)


    Text fields use a single-line text field.

    Text (Short)


    Text fields use a single-line text field. However, different fields use different lengths.

    Text (Short-Maskable)


    Maskable fields allow you to hide some data in certain record types from some users. For example, if a maskable field contains the value 4558785236, then users see XXXX5236. For more information, see About Maskable Fields.

    Web Link


    Web Link custom fields allow you to create context-sensitive hyperlinks in your layouts.

    The Display Text field can contain up to 250 characters. The URL field can contain up to 8000 characters. Browsers have different maximum URL lengths. If you specify a URL that is too long, then it might not work as intended. The URL length changes if you are using parameter substitution.

    The combined total of Web links and concatenated fields that you can create varies with the record type, but for some record types the combined total is 100 Web links and concatenated fields. For more information about fields in Oracle CRM On Demand, see About Custom Fields.

    For more information, see Setting Up Web Links.

    Concatenated Field


    A concatenated field is a field that can display the values from multiple fields and can also display additional text.

    The combined total of Web links and concatenated fields that you can create varies with the record type, but for some record types the combined total is 100 Web links and concatenated fields. For more information about fields in Oracle CRM On Demand, see About Custom Fields.

    You can set up concatenated fields for most record types. For more information, see Setting Up Concatenated Fields.

  8. (Optional) To indicate that the field name needs to be translated to other languages activated for your company, select the Mark for Translation check box.
  9. Click Save.
  10. In the Additional Properties section, complete the following fields as required:




    Select this check box to make the field a required field when creating or updating records. For example, you can require that all users fill in the Account field when adding new contacts.

    NOTE: Users are not compelled to select a field of type Checkbox that is marked as Required. If you want the check box field to have a value of True (that is, you want the check box to be selected), then you must use field validation rules on the check box field. For more information, see About Field Management.

    Conditionally Required

    If you want the field to be required only when a defined condition is met, then enter an expression for the condition directly, or click the fx icon to open the Expression Builder window.

    NOTE: In field management, a field can be set up as required, or as conditionally required, but not both. So, if the Required check box is selected, then you cannot enter an expression in the Conditionally Required field.

    Some limitations apply to the Expression Builder functionality that you can use in the conditions for conditionally required fields. For more information about conditionally required fields and the limitations that apply to the Expression Builder functionality, see About Conditionally Required Fields.

    Default Value

    Enter a value or an expression directly, or click the fx icon to open the Expression Builder window.

    You can add complex expressions only if your role includes the Advanced Field Management privilege. This field can contain an expression up to a maximum of 1024 characters. If you create an expression to set a default value, then the result of the expression must not exceed the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. In addition, any string or numeric literal passed to a function in Expression Builder must not exceed 75 characters.

    If you enter the default value directly in this field, the number of characters in the default value must not exceed the maximum number of characters allowed for the field type. For number type fields, the value must be within the range of values for the field.

    For more information about setting default values, see About Field Management. For information about the syntax that you can use with expressions, see Expression Builder.

    NOTE: If you assign a default value to a maskable field, then the full default value is displayed in the field when a user creates a new record, even if the user's role does not include the View Masked Data privilege.

    Read Only

    Select this check box to make the field read-only.

    Copy Enabled

    Select this check box to allow this field to be copied when the record type is copied using the Copy Record button on the record detail page.


    This check box is automatically enabled when you select a field type for which optimized fields are available for that record type. The remaining number of available optimized fields is displayed to the right of the Optimized check box. You must select the Optimized check box if you require the optimized version of the field.

    NOTE: When the Optimized check box is selected for a field and saved, you cannot deselect it on the Edit page. However, you can rename the field, if you want to repurpose it.


    Enter additional information about the field.

    Post Default

    This field is displayed only if your user role includes the Advanced Field Management privilege.

    Select this check box if you require that the field is not automatically filled with the default value when a new record is created. The specified default value is set when the record is saved only if a value is not supplied by the user or by integration tools.

    NOTE: You cannot select Post Default for a check box field.

    Field Validation

    This field is displayed only if your user role includes the Advanced Field Management privilege.

    Enter an expression directly, or, click the fx icon to open the Expression Builder window.

    This field can contain a maximum of 1024 characters.

    For more information about field validation, see About Field Management, and for information about the syntax you can use for expressions, see Expression Builder.

    Field Validation Error Message

    This field is displayed only if your user role includes the Advanced Field Management privilege.

    Enter a custom error message to be displayed in addition to the standard message if validation fails for the field. The message can contain only letters, numbers, spaces, commas, periods, and dashes.

    The following shows how the error messages are displayed, depending on whether you specify a custom error message:

    If field validation is set, and no custom message specified: The value entered for '[Field]' does not meet the validation rules set by your company administrator. The validation condition is '[Rule]' (error code).

    If field validation is set, and a custom message is specified: [Custom Error Message] (error code).

    Tooltip Display Format

    This field is displayed only if your user role includes the Advanced Field Management privilege.

    Select HTML or Plain Text from the drop-down list to select the format in which your tooltip is displayed. The default value for this field is Plain Text.

    When using HTML formatted tooltips, performance is better if you avoid complex HTML and reduce the number of images displayed in the tooltip. Interactive controls, such as hyperlinks, are not supported. It is also recommended that you use padding when using HTML formatted tooltips to make the tooltip text easier to read. When you use the HTML tag <DIV>, it is recommended to use a border to ensure that the content in the <DIV> tag stays in the tooltip box. For example:

    <div style="background-color:red;padding:3px 8px; border-radius:5px;">

    This is a tooltip message with padding and a red background.


    NOTE: For information about the considerations that apply to using customized code in Oracle CRM On Demand, see Important Considerations for Customers Using Customized Code in Oracle CRM On Demand.

    Tooltip Text

    This field is displayed only if your user role includes the Advanced Field Management privilege.

    Enter information about the field’s functionality. This information will be displayed as a ToolTip when the user moves the pointer over the field. This text field has a maximum of 1500 characters.

    NOTE: It is recommended that you use tooltips sparingly and that you keep tooltip text informative and concise.

  11. Click Save.

    The new fields that you add automatically appear in blue text and brackets in the other activated languages (regardless of the setting of the Mark for Translation check box).

  12. To manually enter the translated equivalent of the new name, field validation error message, description, or ToolTip text, do the following:
    1. From the Translation Language drop-down list, select the language whose translation you want to enter.
    2. Click the Edit link for the field whose name, field validation error message, description, or ToolTip text that you want to translate.
    3. Enter the translation in the Display Name, Field Validation Error Message, Description, or ToolTip Text field and click Save.

      If you translated the name of the field, then the translated name appears in black text in the Display Name column.

    4. Repeat steps a through c for each language whose translation you want to enter.
    5. To continue working in the record type Fields page after you finish entering the translations, in the Language drop-down list, select the default language for your company.

      NOTE: For custom fields to display in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers when the Oracle CRM On Demand user language differs from the language in which the custom field was created, the custom field must be translated in to the applicable language. For example, if a custom field is created in English, a German-language user sees this field in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers only if the field is translated in to German.

      Selecting Mark for Translation overwrites both Display Name and Field Validation Error Message in all other languages.

  13. If you created a picklist or multi-select picklist:
    1. Click the Edit Picklist link for the custom field.
    2. In the Picklist Values box, enter each value on a separate line.
    3. Save the record.
    4. (Optional) If your company uses picklist value groups, then map the picklist values to the picklist value groups, for more information, see Mapping Picklist Values to Picklist Value Groups.

NOTE: Now you must expose newly-created custom fields, so that they appear on the forms (Edit, Detail and Create forms). They do not appear by default. To expose the custom field, create new page layouts as required and make sure that these page layouts are assigned to each role that needs to view the field.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.