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Creating and Refining Lists

When you create or refine a list of records, your user role determines which fields you can search and which fields you can display in the list, as follows:

  • If the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege is enabled on your user role, then you can search all of the fields that your company administrator makes available in the search layout that is assigned to your user role for the record type.

    NOTE: It is recommended that company administrators do not enable the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege for most user roles. When the privilege is not enabled, fields that your company does not use are not visible in search and list pages. This reduces clutter and makes it easier for users to see the fields that they are most interested in.

  • If the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege is not enabled on your user role, then you can search a field only if it meets both of the following criteria:
    • The field is available in the search layout that is assigned to your user role for the record type.
    • The field is displayed on the Detail page layout that is assigned to your user role for that record type. If dynamic page layouts are defined for your role, then the field must be displayed on at least one of the dynamic page layouts.

      NOTE: Dynamic layouts are page layouts that show different sets of fields for different records of the same record type, depending on the picklist value that you select in a certain field on the record.

  • When you refine an existing list, some of the fields in the search criteria for the list might not be available to your user role. Any such restricted fields are grayed out, and you cannot edit them. You can remove the restricted fields from the search criteria before you run or save the list. If you run or save the list without removing the restricted fields from the search criteria, then Oracle CRM On Demand automatically removes the restricted fields from the search criteria before running or saving the list.

NOTE: Your company administrator can change the sets of fields that are available in the search layouts for your user role at any time. If your company administrator removes a field that was previously available to you for searching, then the next time that you refine a list with a filter that contains that field, you cannot save the list with that field in the filter. If you do not remove the field from the filter, then Oracle CRM On Demand automatically removes the field from the filter before running or saving the list.

Your User Role Determines Which Fields You Can Display in the List of Records

Your user role also determines which fields you can display in the list of records that is returned by the search, as follows:

  • If the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege is enabled for your user role, then you can select any field to display as a column in the list of records that is returned by the search.
  • If the All Fields in Search and Lists privilege is not enabled for your user role, then you can select a field to display as a column in the list of records that is returned by the search only if the field is displayed on the Detail page layout that is assigned to your user role for the record type. If dynamic page layouts are defined for your role, then the field must be displayed on at least one of the dynamic page layouts for the record type.

Before you begin. When you create a list, you need to enter the fields and values for the criteria that you set up. You might want to first go to the record Edit page, and write down the exact field names and values as they are used in Oracle CRM On Demand. Otherwise, your filtered list might not pick up the correct records. Alternatively, you can print the record Detail page to capture the exact field names. However, the printout does not capture the field values for drop-down lists.

To set up a list

  1. Create a new list or navigate to the Refine List page for an existing list.

    In the List page for most record types, there is a Menu button that includes the options to create a new list or refine an existing list. For more information about accessing list management options, see Working with Lists.

    NOTE: In the List pages for most record types, you can also refine the list without leaving the List page, and optionally save the refined list. For information about refining lists within List pages, see Refining Lists Within List Pages.

  2. In the New List page or the Refine List page, in the Search In section, select one of the following options:
    • Record Set
    • Book

      NOTE: The Search In section is not displayed for record types that do not have owners, for example, the Product record type and the User record type. The Book option in the Search In section is available only if the Book feature is enabled for your company.

  3. If you select the Record Set option, select one of the following from the list in the Record Set field:
    • All records I can see. Includes records that you have at least View access to, as defined by your reporting hierarchy, the access level for your role, and the access level for shared records.
    • All records I own.
    • All records where I am on the team. Includes only records in the filtered list where one of the following applies:
      • You own the records.
      • The records are shared with you by the owner through the Team feature.
      • The records are shared with you through the group assignment feature for accounts, activities, contacts, households, opportunities, and portfolios.
    • All records I or my subordinates own.
    • All records where I or my subordinates are on the team
    • My Default Book. Your default setting for the Book selector, as defined by your company administrator.
  4. If you select the Book option, select a book, user, or delegate in the Book selector.

    For more information, see Using the Book Selector.

  5. In the Choose Case Sensitivity section, select the Case Insensitive check box, if required.

    If this check box is selected, then certain fields become case-insensitive for the search. These fields are shown in blue text in the Enter Search Criteria section.

  6. In the Enter Search Criteria section do the following:
    1. (Optional) If you are refining an existing list filter that contains a search field that is not available to your user role, remove the search field from the list by clicking the X icon beside the field row.

      If a search field in the list filter is not available as a search field for your user role, then the field is grayed out, you cannot edit it, and an X icon appears beside the field. You can remove the restricted fields from the list filter. If you run or save the list without removing the restricted fields from the filter, then Oracle CRM On Demand automatically removes the restricted fields from the filter before running or saving the list.

    2. Select a field from the Field list.

      The fields are prepopulated with the targeted search fields for the record type.

      NOTE: If your company administrator does not make any search fields available in the search layout that is assigned to your user role for a record type, then you cannot specify any search criteria for a list of records of that record type.

      Certain fields are optimized to improve performance during searches and when sorting lists. These optimized fields are shown in green text in the list of search fields. If your search criteria include a field that is not optimized for searching, your search might be slower.

      NOTE: The fields that are shown in purple text in the Enter Search Criteria section are always case-insensitive, regardless of the setting of the Case Insensitive check box. These fields are not optimized for fast searches.

      If the address field you need does not appear in the drop-down list, select the corresponding one shown in the following table or in About Countries and Address Mapping.

      NOTE: The fields listed in this table might not apply to all countries or locales.

      To filter your list on this field

      Select this field from the drop-down list

      Street Number
      Address 1



      Address 2


      Address 3



      CEDEX Code
      Address 4

      PO Box/Sorting Code

      MEX State
      BRA State
      Part of Territory


      Island Code
      Boite Postale
      Codigo Postal

      Zip/Post Code

    3. Enter the conditions, filter values, and operators (AND, OR) that define the filter.

      If you are refining a list, the fields are already populated with criteria that you can refine further.

      For information about using filter conditions, see About Filter Conditions.

      TIP: To create a list of service requests that do not have an owner, select the Owner ID field, the Equal to filter condition, and leave the value blank. You can create other null lists using this general approach.

      CAUTION: When entering Filter Values, check to make sure that you are following the rules described in About Filter Values. Otherwise, the correct records might not be included in the list.


      Accounts: If you want to create a filtered list of accounts in Canada with annual revenue over $100,000,000.00, complete the form as follows:





      Annual Revenue

      Greater than




      Equal to



      Leads: If you want to create a filtered list of leads with potential revenue over $100,000.00 and ratings of A or B, complete the form as follows:





      Potential Revenue

      Greater than




      Less than



  7. In the Display Columns section, choose the fields to display as columns in the search results by moving fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list. Use the up and down arrows to change the order of the selected fields.

    TIP: After the list of records is returned, you can quickly change the order of the columns in the list by dragging the column headings to a new location and dropping them. You can optionally save the list after you change the order of the columns.

  8. In the Sort Order section, in the Sort by drop-down list, select a default sort field, and click Ascending or Descending to select a sort order.

    Certain fields are optimized to improve performance during searches and when sorting lists. These optimized fields are shown in green text in the list of sort fields. If you select a field that is not optimized as the default sort field, your search could be slower.

    NOTE: You cannot select a field of type check box as the sort field in this step. However, after the list is created, you can click the column header to sort the fields based on the values in the check box.

  9. (Optional) To see the results of your search criteria without saving the list, click Run.

    The List page appears displaying the results of your search criteria. You can then click the Menu button in the title bar, and select Save List or Refine List to save your list.

  10. Click Save, and complete the fields in the Save options section:



    List Name

    Type a name for the list (50-character limit). You can use any symbols or punctuation marks except quotation marks (““) in your List Name.

    Created lists are arranged in ascending ASCII code order, which means that the sort order is case sensitive. So, all of the list names that start with an uppercase letter appear before the list names that start with a lowercase letter.


    Enter a description of up to 251 characters.

    List Accessibility

    If your user role includes the Manage Public Lists privilege, select one of these options:

    • Private. Allows you alone to see the filtered list.
    • Public. Makes the list available to all employees. Public lists appear on the record Homepage for all employees at your company.
    • Role Specific. Make the list available only to users with a specific role.
  11. Click Save and Run.

    The filtered list you created appears in the drop-down list in this page's title bar and in the Lists section of the record Homepage.

TIP: If a message appears indicating that your list request has timed out, refine your list criteria further and try again. You can find more information about optimizing searches and lists on the Training and Support Center Web site, which you can access by clicking the Training and Support global link at the top of each page in Oracle CRM On Demand.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.