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Creating Global Web Applets

A global Web applet is a custom Web applet that can appear on a homepage or on the Action bar.

When you create a global Web applet, you must add it to the layout for the homepage or Action bar.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Customize Application and Manage Custom Web Applets privileges. If the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is selected on the company profile, then you can create applets only if the language that is selected in the Translation Language field is the default language for the company.

To create a new global web applet

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click Application Customization.
  3. In the Application Setup section, select Global Web Applets.
  4. In the My Applet List, click New.
  5. On the My Web Applet page, complete the following fields:




    Enter a name.

    Mark for Translation

    This check box is available only if the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is selected on the company profile. When you first create an applet, the Mark for Translation check box is selected and read-only. The Mark for Translation check box is effective only when you update an existing applet. In addition, the Mark for Translation check box is read-only if you select any language other than the default language for the company in the Translation Language field in the list of applets before you edit the applet.

    If you change the name of an existing custom Web applet in the default language for the company, then use the Mark for Translation check box as follows:

    • If you want the translated versions of the name to be replaced by the updated name, then select the Mark for Translation check box.
    • If you want the translated versions of the name to remain unchanged, then do not select the Mark for Translations check box.

    For more information about translating custom Web applet names, see Translating Web Applet and Custom Report Names.


    Select Homepage or Action bar, depending on whether the external content is to appear on a homepage or on the Action bar.


    NOTE: This field is applicable only when the Location value is Homepage.

    Specify the width of the applet by selecting single or double from the Columns menu.

    Always Run

    This check box determines whether a global Web applet is executed if the applet is minimized. This check box is available only for global Web applets for which you select Action bar as the location.

    Note: Global Web applets that you add to the global header always execute, regardless of whether the Always Run check box is selected or not. The global header is visible only with modern themes.

Next, complete the fields according to the type of applet you require, as described in the following topics:

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