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Enabling Custom Reports in My Homepage

You can specify the custom reports that can be added to a custom My Homepage layout. These custom reports are then displayed in the Available Sections list in Step 2 in the Homepage Layout Wizard. For more information about customizing My Homepage, see Customizing My Homepage for Your Company.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, the custom reports that you want to enable in My Homepage must have been saved. Your role must include the Customize Application privilege and the Homepage Administration privilege. If the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is selected on the company profile, then you can create custom reports only if the language that is selected in the Translation Language field is the default language for the company.

To specify a custom Homepage report

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Application Setup section, click the My Homepage Custom Reports link.
  4. In the My Homepage Custom Reports list, click New Homepage Report.
  5. On the Homepage Custom Report page, complete the following fields:




    Enter the name of the custom report.

    Mark for Translation

    This check box is available only if the Enable Language Translation Support for Web Applets check box is selected on the company profile. When you create a custom report, the Mark for Translation check box is selected and read-only. Also, the Mark for Translation check box is read-only if you select any language other than the default language for the company in the Translation Field in the list of custom reports before you update an existing custom report.

    If you change the name of an existing custom report in the default language for the company, then use the Mark for Translation check box as follows:

    • If you want the translated versions of the name to be replaced by the updated name, then select the Mark for Translation check box.
    • If you want the translated versions of the name to remain unchanged, then do not select the Mark for Translations check box.

      For more information about translating custom Web applet names, see Translating Web Applet and Custom Report Names.


    Select Single or Double. If you set the height to Double, the report becomes twice the height of the other sections on the Homepage.


    Select Single or Double. If you want the report to span the entire Homepage from left to right, set the width to Double.

    NOTE: Reports that have an HTML RowSpan attribute value of more than 2 sometimes span beyond the specified size.

    Execute Report Immediately

    If you select this check box, the report will run automatically, and users will not have to click a link to update the report.

  6. In the Report Path field, enter the path of the report.

    You can paste the report path from the Open Analysis window. To copy the report path:

    1. Click the Open Analysis button in the Getting Started with Answers page.
    2. Select a report.
    3. Copy the value in the Item field.

      For example:

      Shared Folder: Pre-built Analysis/Sales Stage History Analytics: Last Month Sales Report

  7. Click Save.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.