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About Event and Appointment Synchronization

If your company administrator selects the Display Events in Calendar setting in the Company Profile page, then Oracle CRM On Demand displays the details of event records in the calendar. If the setting is selected, then Oracle CRM On Demand automatically maintains an associated appointment record for an event record. When a user creates, updates, or deletes an event record through the UI, the Import Assistant, or Web services, Oracle CRM On Demand creates, updates or deletes the associated appointment record. Conversely, Oracle CRM On Demand automatically updates or deletes the original event record whenever you update or delete the corresponding appointment record for the event through the same channels.

For example, consider an event named Cardiologist's Conference that is scheduled to take place from 7/20/2015 09:00 A.M. to 7/20/2015 05:00 P.M. at the Marriott Hotel. Oracle CRM On Demand creates an appointment record as follows:

  • Sets the subject to Cardiologist's Conference
  • Sets the appointment time and dates to begin at 09:00 AM on 7/20/2015 and end at 05:00 PM on 7/20/2015
  • Sets the location to Marriot Hotel
  • Sets the activity type to Event

Oracle CRM On Demand displays the appointment for the event in the Oracle CRM On Demand calendar. Moreover, calendars for other products that are synchronized with Oracle CRM On Demand such as Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop also display the appointment.

The following table shows the mapping of fields between an event record and its corresponding appointment record.

Event Record Field

Appointment Record Field



Start Time

Start Time

End Time

End Time







When a user creates an event, Oracle CRM On Demand creates the corresponding appointment and copies these fields from the event to the appointment. In addition, Oracle CRM On Demand copies certain child records for an event such as, a user added to an event team, or a book that is added to an event. Similarly, Oracle CRM On Demand creates these child records for events when they are created on an appointment record. In the calendar entry that Oracle CRM On Demand creates for an event, it displays the name and location of the event as the subject and location of the appointment, with the location in parentheses. Clicking on the Subject link, takes you to the Appointment Detail page, as with any non-event calendar entry.

NOTE: For pre-existing event records, whenever the user updates an event and saves it, Oracle CRM On Demand automatically creates the appointment, along with the book and user child records, from that point in time. That is, Oracle CRM On Demand does not display old events in the calendar until the user updates and saves the event again. Adding or removing any child records of an event is not considered as an update to the event record, and does not trigger the creation of an appointment. In addition, if your company administrator deselects the Display Events in Calendar setting in the company profile, then Oracle CRM On Demand no longer creates an associated event appointment corresponding to any new events. However, any existing event appointments created since the time your administrator selected the setting remains in Oracle CRM On Demand, and Oracle CRM On Demand continues to synchronize those event appointments with the corresponding event updates to avoid data discrepancy between the event and the event appointment. However, Oracle CRM On Demand does not display the event appointment in the calendar because the administrator has deselected the setting.

When a user deletes a mapped event appointment, or the original event, Oracle CRM On Demand deletes both the mapped event appointment and the event itself, including the shared child records such as a shared user record, or a shared book record. Users can recover either record from the Deleted Items page for up to 30 days after deletion. Restoring one of these records restores the other corresponding record. For example, restoring an event restores the corresponding appointment for that event.

Users who are added to a synchronized appointment as a user are added to the event as a team member with read-only record access to the event, and users added to a synchronized event have read-only record access to the appointment. Oracle CRM On Demand evaluates the union of record access from the team and the default access profile attached to the user’s role to determine the user’s access to the record. User group members do not get added to an event as team members. Regardless of the channel from where a user gets added as an event team member, that user gets added to the appointment as a user.

Users who can access a synchronized appointment through a book have the same access to the event through the book, and if they can access a synchronized event through a book, then they have the same access to the appointment through the book. The event appointment is not displayed in the calendar of a user who gets access through a book, however the user gets access to the event appointment record in lists of appointments. If there is a workflow on an event with a Book Assign action, then the book that is assigned to the event is also assigned to the synchronized appointment. The reverse is also true, that is, if there is a workflow on an activity with a Book Assign action, then the book that is assigned to the appointment is also assigned to the synchronized event.

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Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.