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Favorite Lists Page

When you click the Show Full List link in the Favorite Lists section of the Action Bar, the Favorite Lists page opens, showing your favorite lists. You can have a maximum of 100 lists in your favorites.

NOTE: If there are already 100 lists in your favorites, and you add another list to your favorites, then the list that has been in your favorites for the longest is dropped from your favorites to allow the new list to be added.

The following table describes the tasks that you can perform from the Favorite Lists page.

To do this

Follow these steps

Change the sequence of the lists

In the Favorite Lists title bar, click the Manage Favorites button. On the Manage Favorites page, change the order of the lists until it reflects the sequence that you want. The lists appear in the new sequence on the Action bar and the Favorite Lists page.

Delete a list from the list of favorites

In the row for the list that you want to delete, click the Remove link.

Display a list

Click the name of the list to display the List page from which you can work with the list.

Page through the list

Click the navigation icons at the top or bottom of the list page to move to the next page, previous page, first page, or last page in the list.

Show more/fewer records

In the Number of records displayed drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select a number of records to see at one time.

You can embed Favorite Lists as a Web widget in other applications. For more information, see Embedding a Favorite Lists Widget.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.