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Importing Your Data

Before you begin. Prepare your CSV files and add any necessary fields or picklist values to the application. For more information, see Preparing for Data Importing. Before importing data, you can determine which method of data importing best suits your requirements by reviewing the supporting documentation on My Oracle Support.

After you have prepared your data for importing, access the Import Assistant, and perform the import. To ensure that the Import Assistant processes all import requests equally, each import request is split into one or more child requests of 100 records. Child requests from different import requests are processed simultaneously, so that no import request is waiting for another request to complete before it is picked up in the queue. The processing time for an import request is updated continuously and reflects the progress of the child requests in the queue.

TIP: Make sure that your import CSV file is set up correctly by doing a test import of five records. It is much easier to correct mistakes for five imported records than for the full number in your import file.

To import records

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Data Management Tools section, click the Import and Export Tools link.
  3. In the Import Data section, select the record type you want to import from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Launch button.

    This starts the Import Assistant.

  5. For Step 1:

    NOTE: The following options are available depending on the record you wish to import.

    1. Select how you want the Import Assistant to identify matching records.

      The Import Assistant uses an external unique ID, which is a unique external ID field that is imported from another system, Oracle CRM On Demand row ID, and Oracle CRM On Demand pre-defined fields. These pre-defined fields, such as Account Name and Location, do not have IDs.

      For information on how duplicate records are defined, see About Record Duplicates and External IDs.

    2. Select what you want the Import Assistant to do if it finds a duplicate unique record identifier in Oracle CRM On Demand. Your choices are to not import duplicate records, to overwrite existing records or to create additional records.

      NOTE: This option is not available in Notes.

    3. Select the action you want the Import Assistant to follow if the imported record's unique record identifier does not match an existing record in Oracle CRM On Demand.

      NOTE: This option is not available in Notes. If you select Overwrite Records and Don’t Create New Record in the previous option, this results in the record being updated.

    4. Select how you want to handle picklist values in your CSV file that do not match the values in the application.

      The Import Assistant can either add the new value to the picklist or will not import the field value.

      NOTE: This is not available when importing Notes or if the user's language is different than the company's default language. This is also not applicable to multi-select picklists. The multi-select picklists can only be imported if the value in the CSV file exists in the application.

    5. Decide if the Import Assistant should create a new record for missing associations (related records) in your data file.

      NOTE: This option is only available when importing Accounts or Contacts.

    6. Select the date/time format used in the CSV file.

      For more information, see Field Type Guidelines for Importing Data.

    7. Verify that the file encoding selection is Western.

      NOTE: Do not change this setting unless you are certain another encoding method is used. The default, Western, applies to most encoding systems in Europe and North America.

    8. Select the type of CSV delimiter used in your file: comma or semi-colon.
    9. In the Error Logging drop-down list, select what you want Oracle CRM On Demand to log: All messages, Errors and Warnings, or Errors Only.
    10. Select the CSV file whose data you want to import.
    11. Select the Data file records need to be processed sequentially check box if required.

      NOTE: Choosing to process data files sequentially ensures that when an import request is submitted, the child import requests are always processed in sequence. It also ensures that CSV file dependencies are maintained.

    12. Select the check box if you want to disable auditing while importing data and if you do not want to generate any audit trail records while importing data.

      NOTE: You cannot disable this auditing setting if you are importing the User record type. This option is available only if the Manage Record Auditing for Imports privilege is enabled for your role. Selecting this check box might improve import performance, depending on the record types that you want to import and the number of audited fields that you would otherwise decide to audit for those record types.

    13. Select the Enable Email Notification check box if you want an email notification to be sent after the import process is complete. This check box is selected by default.
  6. For Step 2:
    1. Follow the instructions for validating your file, if necessary.
    2. Select a field mapping file, if available.
    3. Field mapping files (.map) contain the pairing of fields in your CSV file with existing Oracle CRM On Demand fields. After you perform an import, the system sends you an email containing the .map file with the recent mapping scheme. Save it to your computer to re-use it during later imports.
  7. For Step 3, map the fields in your file to Oracle CRM On Demand fields. At a minimum, you need to map all required fields to column headers in the CSV file.

    The Import Assistant lists the column headers from your import CSV file next to a drop-down list showing all the fields in that area in Oracle CRM On Demand, including custom fields you added.

    If the address field you need does not appear in the drop-down list, select the corresponding one shown in this table.

    To filter your list on this field

    Select this field from the drop-down list

    Street Number
    Address 1



    Address 2


    Address 3



    CEDEX Code
    Address 4

    PO Box/Sorting Code

    MEX State
    BRA State
    Part of Territory


    Island Code
    Boite Postale
    Codigo Postal

    Zip/Post Code

    If you selected a .map file, verify that the fields map correctly. Custom fields created since you ran the previous import might need to be mapped.

    For information about external IDs, see About Record Duplicates and External IDs.

    CAUTION: If you have selected the wrong file to import, click Cancel to change selections. At this point, using the Back button does not clear the cache, so the import file you originally selected appears in the field mapping step.

    CAUTION: External Unique ID and Manager External ID are key fields that are used to associate Contacts with their Manager Records. If these fields are not mapped, the Manager Record will be associated with Contacts using the Contact Name and Manager fields. When using the Contact Name and Manager fields to do this association, the data file records will be subject to more stringent dependency ordering.

  8. For Step 4, follow the onscreen instructions, if necessary.
  9. For Step 5, click Finish.

To view the queue for your import requests

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Import and Export Queues section, click the Import Request Queue link.

    The Import Request Queue page appears with information about your requests, including the estimated time of completion.

    The following table describes the import status.




    The import has not been processed yet.

    In Progress

    The import is being processed.

    NOTE: You can delete the request in this state. However, you must review any data that is partially imported into Oracle CRM On Demand.


    No errors during import.

    Completed with errors

    The import completed but there were some errors with some of the records.


    The import completed but none of the records were imported.


    The import did not complete because an error occurred.


    The import was cancelled.

    The following table describes the import record information.

    Import Record Information


    # Submitted

    The number of records contained in the CSV file.

    # Processed

    The number of records the import engine has currently processed. This field is processed every 20 seconds, or as set by a system process.

    # Successfully Imported

    The number of records that were imported without any problems.

    # Partially Imported

    The number that was imported but not all the fields for the record were imported.

    # Not imported

    The number of records that were not imported at all.


    The number of records imported before the import was cancelled.

To import multi-select picklist values

  1. Separate the multivalue picklists by a semicolon in the CSV file.

    For example, if you have a multivalue picklist containing first names and you want to import four names into this field, separate each name with a semicolon.

  2. Click Add New Value To Picklist.

    Oracle CRM On Demand imports your multivalue picklist.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.