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Updating Groups of Records

Many top-level record types support the mass update feature, which enables you to update the values in fields for a group of records at the same time. For example, you might want to change the ownership of a batch of records to a different employee. You can do this by updating groups of records.

NOTE: Certain record types that are specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition do not support the mass update feature, including the Message Response, Messaging Plan, Messaging Plan Item, Messaging Plan Item Relations, Inventory Audit Report, Inventory Period, Sample Disclaimer, Sample Transaction, and Transaction Item record types.

For the record types that support the mass update feature, you can update values in up to 100 selected records at a time. If there are more than 100 records in the list, then you can repeat the task until all of the records are updated. Or, you can further refine your list so that only the records that you want to update are present in the list.

When updating groups of records, the following considerations apply:

  • If you use the mass update feature to change the value in the Sales Stage field on one or more opportunity records, then the value in the Probability percentage field on the records is not updated to the default probability percentage for the new sales stage. If you want the probability percentage on the opportunities to change when the sales stage is updated, then you must change the sales stage on each record individually or by using Web services. For information about Web services, see Web Services Integration.
  • You cannot update individual address fields on records, such as accounts, contacts, leads, and so on, through the mass update feature. However, if your company uses shared addresses, then you can update the fields on top-level address records. For more information on shared addresses, see Addresses and Sharing Addresses Between Account, Contact, Dealer, and Partner Records.

NOTE: You can use the mass update feature to update the values in fields in a group of product revenue records linked to an opportunity at the same time. For information about updating the values in a group of opportunity product revenue records, see Linking Products to Opportunities.

Before you begin:

  • If necessary, create a list to capture the records that you want to update. For information about creating and using lists, see Working with Lists.
  • To update groups of records, your user role must include the Mass Update privilege.
  • For information about the values that are available for selection when you update the Sales Stage field on opportunity records, see About Sales Stages and the Mass Update Feature.

The following procedure describes how to update selected records in a list.

To update selected records in a list

  1. Open the list of records that you want to update.

    NOTE: When you use the Mass Update functionality, only the records that are displayed in the List page are available for you to update. For example, if you display only 10 records in your List page, then only those 10 records are available for you to update. You can display a maximum of 100 records in the List page.

  2. If necessary, sort the list so that the records that you want to update appear at the top of the list.

    TIP: To sort the list by column, click the column heading. To sort the list by the same column but in reverse order, click the column heading again.

  3. On the record List page, click Menu, and select Mass Update.
  4. In Step 1, clear the check box for records you do not want to update, and then click Next.
  5. In Step 2, select the fields that you want to update, and enter new values for those fields.

    You can select up to five fields to update to new values. To remove existing values from a field, leave the Value column blank in Step 2.

  6. Click Finish.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.