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Considerations When Setting Up Picklist Value Groups

When setting up picklist value groups, consider the following:

  • Picklist fields. A picklist value group can control one or more picklist fields on one or more record types. On the record types that support picklist value groups, you can map any editable picklist field to multiple picklist value groups.
  • Cascading picklists. You can use picklist fields that contain values that are mapped to picklist value groups in cascading picklists. However, in a cascading picklist definition, you can specify only one set of relationships between the values in the parent picklist field and the values in the related picklist fields, regardless of whether you select a picklist value group in the Picklist Value Group list when you define the cascading picklist. For more information about how cascading picklists work with picklist value groups, see About Cascading Picklists and Picklist Value Groups.
  • Page layouts. You must add the Picklist Value Group field to the page layouts for the record types on which you want the picklist fields to be controlled by the picklist value groups.
  • Divisions. You can associate a picklist value group with one or more divisions, but each division can be associated with only one picklist value group. You can see a list of the divisions that are associated with a picklist value group in the read-only Divisions section of the Picklist Value Group Detail page.
  • Search. You cannot search for picklist value group records in the Action bar or in an advanced search.
  • Picklist Value Group field. For the record types that support picklist value groups, you can do the following:
    • Specify the Picklist Value Group field as read-only if you do not want users to be able to change or clear the value in the field.
    • Use the Picklist Value Group field in Expression Builder.
    • Use the Picklist Value Group field in workflow rules.
    • Include the Picklist Value Group field in the search layouts.

NOTE: You cannot specify a default value for the Picklist Value Group field through the Fields Setup pages.

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