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Setting the Maximum Number of Times Contacts Can be Sampled Without a Valid State License

Administrators can set the maximum number of times a contact who does not have a valid state license can be sampled. This setting is set at the global level and applies throughout the organization. Configuring this setting ensures the following:

  • That sales representatives in the field will not be able to exceed the specified maximum number of times contacts who do not have a valid state license can be sampled.
  • That when a contact moves to a different state, the contact can be sampled while waiting for a valid state license. Typically, contacts must wait a few days to receive a valid license when they move to a different state.

Before you begin. To set the maximum number of times contacts can be sampled without a valid state license, your user role must include the Enable Basic Samples Operations privilege.

To set the maximum number of times contacts can be sampled without a valid state license

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Life Sciences Management section, click the Other Life Sciences Related link.
  3. On the Life Sciences Related Preferences page, click the Life Sciences Related Preferences link.
  4. Enter a value in the Number of Times a Contact Can Be Sampled field.

    The default value in this field is -1, which indicates that the maximum number of times contacts can be sampled without a valid state license has not been set and that there will be no impact on current behavior. Setting the value in this field to any negative number will have the same effect.

    Setting the value in this field to a number greater than zero indicates that you are setting the maximum number of times contacts can be sampled without a valid state license and the impact on behavior is as follows:

    • Sales representatives will be able to sample contacts who are waiting for a valid state license x number of times, where x is the value in this field, provided that the status of the license is inactive or not null and that the license has not expired.

      NOTE: To distribute samples to a contact, that contact type (for example, physician, pharmacist, nurse practitioner, doctor) must be authorized to receive and sign for samples. For more information, see Authorizing Contacts to Receive Samples.

    • If a contact moves to a different state, then the contact can be sampled x number of times while waiting for a valid state license, where x is the value in this field. For more information, see Contact State License Fields.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information about samples management:

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.