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About Special Characters in Email Addresses

In the standard Oracle CRM On Demand application, you can use the following characters in the addresses in email fields:

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • The digits 0 through 9.

You can also use the following special characters, but only in the local part of the email address:

! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~

In addition, you can use the period character (.) in email addresses, but you cannot use consecutive periods. For example, the following are not valid:

  • isa..mple@riqhtequip

If your administrator selects the Allow Unicode Characters in Email Fields check box on the company profile, then you can use most Unicode (UTF-8) characters, including accented letters, in the address in the Email field on the Contact and Lead record types only. You can use the Unicode (UTF-8) characters in both the local and domain parts of these email addresses, although consecutive periods are still not allowed. In addition, the following characters are not allowed, even if the Allow Unicode Characters in Email Fields check box is selected on the company profile:

, ( ) [ ] : ; " < >

The following considerations apply when using email addresses that include special characters that are not supported in the standard Oracle CRM On Demand application:

  • When you click an email address link in Oracle CRM On Demand to send an email, the email opens in your default email client. Your email client determines whether the email can be sent to the address. Similarly, when you click Send Email in the Appointment Detail page to send an email to the contacts on the appointment, your email client determines whether the email can be sent to the addresses of the contacts.
  • The following applications do not support the full set of Unicode (UTF-8) characters in email addresses:
    • Oracle Outlook Email Integration On Demand
    • Oracle Notes Email Integration On Demand
    • Oracle CRM On Demand Disconnected Mobile Sales
    • Oracle CRM On Demand Connected Mobile Sales

      These applications support the set of characters that are supported for use in the standard Oracle CRM On Demand application. Any email addresses that include other special characters might not be recognized or displayed correctly in these applications.

  • In workflow Send Email actions, if an expression in the To field of the workflow action returns an email address that contains any character that is not supported for use in email addresses in the standard application, then Oracle CRM On Demand cannot send email to that address, even if the Allow Unicode Characters in Email Fields check box is selected on the company profile.

For more information about the email address formats that are considered valid and invalid, see Field Type Guidelines for Importing Data.

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.