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Viewing the Modification Tracking List Page

This topic describes how to view modification tracking information.

Before you begin. You must be signed in to Oracle CRM On Demand as administrator, and your role must include the Manage Modification Tracking privilege. If the Manage Modification Tracking privilege is not enabled for your company administrator’s role, then contact Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care.

To view the Modification Tracking List Page

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Business Process Management section, click Modification Tracking.

    The Modification Tracking List page opens showing a list of all modification tracking records. For examples of modification tracking records, see Examples of Modification Tracking Event Records.

    The following table describes the Modification Tracking List page.

    Column Heading


    Object Name

    The name of the object to which the tracking event applies, for example, Contact. The object name is usually a record type name, or it can be Picklist.

    Object Id

    The row identifier for the object that Oracle CRM On Demand assigns, for example, 1QA2-NX0XH.

    Child Object Name

    The name of the child object to which the tracking event applies, for example, Contact Address. The child object name appears only if it is applicable to the modification event; that is, the object is modified as a child of another object in its view, for example, modifying an address in a contact view.

    Child Object Id

    The object identifier for the child object that Oracle CRM On Demand assigns, for example, 1QA2-OBA65.

    Event Name

    The name of the event, for example, WriteRecordNew, when a new record is created. For information on the event names, see the event name descriptions in About Modification Tracking Events.

    Record Type

    The record type for which an administrator makes a configuration change that triggers modification tracking. The Record Type field is populated only for a configuration change. An example of modification tracking for a configuration change is when an administrator edits a list of values in a picklist field. In this case, the Record Type field logs the name of the object to which the edited picklist field belongs.

    Field Name

    The Web service version 2.0 tag for a field when you edit a picklist for that field. For custom picklist fields, the Web service version 2.0 tag is the generic integration tag. This field is populated only for picklist edits.

    Modification Number

    A counter for the number of times that the record has been modified. When a record is initially created, the modification number is set to zero (0) and incremented for each modification that is made to the record.

    Modified: Date

    The date (MMDDYYY) and time (HH:MM:AM|PM) when the modification event has taken place.

Related Topics

For related information on the modification tracking feature, see the following topics:

Published 8/22/2016 Copyright © 2005, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.