Oracle Web Services On Demand Troubleshooting Guide > Error Codes: Causes and Solutions >


This error code has no error symbol.

Generic Error Message

Unexpected text: String (SBL-EAI-13010).

Causes and Solutions

The error has two possible causes.

First Cause

The query expression is incorrect when a string follows a valid query value that is enclosed by quotation marks. This error is often returned with error SBL-EAI-13002.

Error Message

Unexpected text: abcdedf (SBL-EAI-13010).

Incorrect SOAP Request

In the following incorrect SOAP request, the query expression to query ContactType is incorrect because the string abcdedf follows the last, single quotation mark:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:xsd="">





            <wsse:Password Type="">%%%PASSWORD%%%</wsse:Password>





      <ContactQueryPage_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/contact/">

         <ListOfContact pagesize="5" startrownum="0" recordcountneeded="true">


               <ContactFirstName />







Resolving Error SBL-EAI-13010

For more information on resolving this error, see Resolving Error SBL-EAI-13005. For more information on query syntax, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.

Correcting the SOAP Request

To correct the SOAP request and to use single quotation mark as part of the literal data, you must add another quotation mark before the single quotation mark. You must also end the literal data with a single quotation mark:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:xsd="">





            <wsse:Password Type="">%%%PASSWORD%%%</wsse:Password>





      <ContactQueryPage_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/contact/">

         <ListOfContact pagesize="5" startrownum="0" recordcountneeded="true">


               <ContactFirstName />







Second Cause

The field cannot be filtered.

Error Message

Unexpected text: >='10/21/2011 06:20:21'(SBL-EAI-13010).

Incorrect SOAP Request

When the following incorrect SOAP request queries accounts, it bases its query on the values provided in the opportunity child component's ModifiedDate field. However, the ModifiedDate field is not filterable:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


      <AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/account/">




               <AccountName />



                     <ModifiedDate>&gt;='10/21/2011 06:20:21'</ModifiedDate>








Resolving Error SBL-EAI-13010

Make sure that all fields can be filtered. For Web Services v1.0 API, all fields in the parent objects can be filtered and some fields on child objects can be filtered.

For a list of fields that can be filtered for each object in Web Services v1.0, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.

If you perform a search based on the child field, the request can be done through Web Services v2.0 API if the child field also exists in the Web Services v2.0 API. However, in Web Services v2.0, all parent records matching the parent criteria and only child records matching the child criteria are returned.

Correcting the SOAP Request

To correct the SOAP request, convert your SOAP request to use Web Services v2.0 API.

NOTE:  This request returns all the accounts even if their opportunity child records do not have a modified date, for example:
>= '10/21/2011 06:20:21'
However, if the opportunity child record of the account has a modified date that matches the search criteria, then the opportunity child record is also returned.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


      <AccountQueryPage_Input xmlns="urn:crmondemand/ws/ecbs/account/">




               <AccountName />



                     <ModifiedDate>&gt;='10/21/2011 06:20:21'</ModifiedDate>








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