Determining When to Switch to Shadow LSMS

Switching to a shadow LSMS is the obvious solution in cases of fire or other destruction of the main LSMS site. In addition to these cases, some problems with the main LSMS may warrant switching to the shadow LSMS. These situations can be determined with the Surveillance feature.

If the Surveillance feature is active, it posts a notification every five minutes. If the Surveillance feature has detected an error, it posts a notification reporting the error. If no errors have been detected, the Surveillance feature posts the following “keep alive” message to indicate that the Surveillance feature is running, where <Host Name> indicates the host name of the server that is reporting the notification.

LSMS8000|14:58 Jun 22, 2000|<Host Name>|Keep alive

Absence of “keep alive” messages is an indication that a potential problem exists. Contact the My Oracle Support (MOS) for help in determining whether the problems warrants switching to the shadow LSMS.

For more information about the Surveillance feature, see Understanding the Surveillance Feature. For more information about Surveillance notifications, see Automatic Monitoring of Events