Examples of GUI Notifications

Example of General Format GUI Notifications

Following is an example of a general GUI notification (for a description of its format, see General Format for GUI Notifications):

[Critical]:1998-07-05 11:49:56 2012 NPAC PRIMARY-NE Connection Attempt Failed:
Access Control Failure

Example of an EMS GUI Notification

Following is an example of an EMS GUI notification (for a description of its format, see Format for EMS GUI Notifications). In this example, <CLLI> has the value LNPBUICK:

[Critical]:1998-07-05 11:49:56 0003 LNPBUICK: Primary Association Failed

Example of GUI Notification with EVENT Severity Level

Following is an example of a GUI notification with severity [EVENT]. For a description of its format, see Format for GUI Notifications with EVENT Severity:

[EVENT]: 2000-02-05 11:49:56 8069 LNPBUICK: Audit LNP DB Synchronization Aborted