LSMS Applications

The LSMS applications work together as shown below.

LSMS Applications

The LSMS applications provide the following functions:

Local Services Manager

The Local Services Manager (lsman) is responsible for providing an interface between the GUI and other LSMS processes. It acts as a gateway to the GUI for processes (EBDA, Report Manager, and NPAC agents) that do not have direct access to the GUI, using Extensible Markup Language (XML) messages to communicate.

The Local Services Manager also manages how many users can be running simultaneously. The maximum number of users allowed on the LSMS system is eight. A user is defined as a GUI session.

The Support for Additional Users optional feature enables you to have a maximum of 25 simultaneous users.

If you attempt to exceed the maximum allowable number of GUI sessions, an error message displays. For example, if you do not have the optional Support for Additional Users feature enabled and you start LSMS GUI sessions on eight different terminals and then attempted to start a ninth GUI session on another terminal, the following error message displays stating that the maximum number of users had been reached:

Maximum number of users reached.

Local Data Manager

The Local Data Manager (supman) is responsible for:

NPAC Agents

The NPAC Agent application (npacagent) is responsible for:

One instance of the npacagent process exists for each enabled NPAC region.

EAGLE Agents

The EAGLE Agent application (eagleagent) is responsible for:

One instance of the eagleagent process exists for each supported EAGLE node.


The RMTPManager (rmtpmgr) is responsible for facilitating the reliable multicast mechanism that allows LNP data updates to reach every EAGLE agent. It acts as a top node in an RMTP broadcast tree. A maximum of 9 broadcast channels exists (up to 8 channels for NPAC agents and 1 for the Local Data Manager).


The RMTPAgent (rmtpagent) is responsible for keeping the broadcast mechanism flowing even when no EAGLE agents are running. The RMTPAgent subscribes to all (up to 9) broadcast channels.

Web-Based GUI

The Web-based GUI application runs outside of the LSMS system on a client platform. It provides an IP-based GUI to operate the LSMS. Multiple instances of the GUI can exist.

Report Manager

The Report Manager (reportman) is responsible for producing reports on demand. It can produce up to 10 reports simultaneously.


The Enhanced Bulk Download and Audit process (ebda) is responsible for providing the capability of performing audits, reconciles, bulk loads and user-initiated resynchronizations of an EAGLE LNP database. Multiple instances of the ebda process can exist for different EAGLE nodes.


The Sentry process (sentryd) monitors other software processes and attempts to restart them automatically in certain failure conditions. For more information about the Sentry application, see “Automatically Restarting Software Processes”.


The LSMS Surveillance process (survMon) continually surveys the LSMS hardware and software and sends surveillance notifications to the server’s serial port. Users who want to display surveillance notifications on an administration console can connect Serial Port 3 to the administration console (see Configuring a Customer-Provided Administration Console).

Surveillance is also responsible for monitoring and restarting the sentryd and Service Assurance processes. For more information, see “Understanding the Surveillance Feature”.

Service Assurance

The Service Assurance feature allows an external system to access subscription version data from the LNP databases in the LSMS. For more information, see “Understanding the Service Assurance Feature”.


The SNMPAgent (lsmsSNMPAgent) is a process running on the LSMS platform that supports the SNMPv1 and SNMPv3 trap operation. This process receives (through UDP Linux sockets) LSMS notification events from other LSMS processes and formats these events into trap requests. For more information, see “Understanding the SNMP Agent Process”.


The Logger process (lsmslogd) is responsible for: