LSMS Connectivity

The main function of the LSMS is to provision LNP data through the ELAP to the EAGLE. To perform this task, the LSMS maintains active connections with one or more NPAC region servers and one or more EAGLE nodes. While it is the goal of the LSMS to maintain active connections to each NPAC server and EAGLE node as nearly full-time as possible, the more important goal is to reliably forward the data from the NPAC to the EAGLE as quickly as possible. To that end, a number of protective problem detection and recovery mechanisms are built into the LSMS design. Several of these protections actually allow for the termination of application connectivity in order to gracefully restore full connectivity and guarantee total recovery of data.

The performance of the LSMS is based on network connectivity that meets a Quality of Service expectation. The expectations by Oracle for network Quality of Service are as follows:


In the following situations, the LSMS proactively terminates and re-establishes application connectivity with the NPAC and EAGLE nodes: