Managing Automatic File Transfers

The LSMS generates many logs, measurements, and data files on a regular basis. These files are maintained on the LSMS for seven days. Customers can use the data in these files for traffic pattern analysis, identification of various network events, and investigation of problems.

The optional Automatic File Transfer feature enables customers to set up an automatic method of transferring selected files to specified remote sites at a specified frequency. Using this feature can reduce costs and also the chance of user error that could result in missed transfers of required data.

Whenever an error occurs during an automatic file transfer, an entry is made in the file aft.log.<MMDD> in the directory /var/TKLC/lsms/logs/aft (where <MMDD> is the month and day when the error occurred).

Use the autoxfercfg command, as described in the following subsections, to set up and manage automatic file transfers. To initially set up an automatic transfer of files, perform in the order shown below, the procedures in the following sections:

  1. “Adding a New Remote Location for Automatic File Transfers”

  2. “Scheduling an Automatic File Transfer”

In addition, you can use the autoxfercfg command to perform the following functions: