Managing User Accounts

This section provides information about the following topics:

Overview of User Names and Passwords

The system administrator assigns user names and passwords. Each user name is assigned to one of the following permission groups:

Note: It is possible for an individual user name to have the same value as a group name. For example, usually a user named lsmsadm is assigned to the lsmsadm permission group. Some LSMS commands require the user to be logged in with the lsmsadm user name.

The permission groups govern which commands and which GUI functions the user is allowed to use.

Overview of SPID Security Feature

In addition, the LSMS offers the optional SPID Security feature that allows the LSMS administrator to assign only certain usernames to be allowed to log on with a specified Service Provider Identifier (SPID). Alternatively, the LSMS administrator can assign a username to be given access to all SPIDs; such a user is called a “golden user.”

Association of a username with a SPID allows the LSMS system administrator to restrict access to the following types of locally provisioned data (for more information about associating usernames with SPIDs, see Activating the SPID Security Feature):

Accessibility to these types of data are protected by SPID security for any access method (for example, through the GUI, through input data by file, audit, and reconcile).

The SPID Security feature is especially useful for LSMS customers that act as service bureaus, offering LSMS services to other service providers. The service bureau may administer locally provisioned data for a client and may choose to allow the client to administer or view its own data without allowing that client to view or change data belonging to other clients.

Note: Without this optional feature, any user can log in using any SPID that is defined on the LSMS. The user is able to view any data for any SPID, and depending on which user privileges were assigned to that username, may be able to change data associated with any SPID.