Performing Disaster Recovery without a Shadow LSMS

In this disaster backup strategy, you have no physical backup for the LSMS. In a disaster situation, you must restore the main LSMS. Having no shadow can result in a very long recovery period in serious disaster situations, such as fire or natural disaster.

In addition to the assumptions listed in “Preparing for a Disaster Situation”, the following conditions are assumed for this procedure:

Perform the procedures shown in Table 1 to restore the main LSMS when a disaster occurs.

Recovery Procedures When No LSMS Shadow Exists

No shadow

In the order shown, perform the following recovery procedures:

1, 2

Contact the My Oracle Support (MOS) to arrange repair or replacement of the LSMS. Oracle will dispatch technicians who will perform repairs, return the LSMS to operational status, and perform recovery acceptance tests.


Contact each NPAC from which the LSMS needs data to request which files will be needed to download to the shadow LSMS.


FTP data from NPAC and import it into the LSMS (see Downloading Files from an NPAC to the LSMS).


Start the LSMS GUI (association with each NPAC is automatically attempted).


If any locally provisioned data needs to be added, add it.


Perform the procedures in “Reconnecting Network Elements”.


If the disaster outage has lasted for 7 days or less, for each network element, perform a time-range audit (specify the start time to be one hour before the outage occurred) and a full-range audit of DGTT, OGTT, and NPA Splits. For information about performing audits, refer to “Audit and Optional Reconcile from the LSMS GUI” in the LNP Database Synchronization User's Guide.

(If the disaster outage has lasted more than 7 days, perform a complete bulk download to each network element. For information about performing bulk downloads to network elements, refer to the LNP Database Synchronization User's Guide.)


If any query servers are installed, for each directly connected query server, perform the procedure in “Reload a Query Server Database from the LSMS.