3000000400000000 - Multipath device access link problem

Alarm Type: TPD

Description: One or more "access paths" of a multipath device are failing or are not healthy, or the multipath device does not exist.

Severity: Major

OID: TpdMpathDeviceProblemNotify1.

Alarm ID: TKSPLATMA353000000400000000


  1. My Oracle Support (MOS) should do the following:
    1. Check in the MSA administration console (web-application) that correct "volumes" on MSA exist, and read/write access is granted to the blade server.
    2. Check if multipath daemon/service is running on the blade server: service multipathd status. Resolution:

      1. start multipathd: service multipathd start

    3. Check output of "multipath -ll": it shows all multipath devices existing in the system and their access paths; check that particular /dev/sdX devices exist. This may be due to SCSI bus and/or FC HBAs haven't been rescanned to see if new devices exist. Resolution:

      1. run "/opt/hp/hp_fibreutils/hp_rescan -a",
      2. "echo 1 > /sys/class/fc_host/host*/issue_lip",
      3. "echo '- - -' > /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/scan"

    4. Check if syscheck::disk::multipath test is configured to monitor right multipath devices and its access paths: see output of "multipath -ll" and compare them to "syscheckAdm disk multipath - -get - -var=MPATH_LINKS" output. Resolution:

      1. configure disk::multipath check correctly.

  2. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS).