5000000000000040 - Server Default Router Not Defined

This alarm indicates that the default network route is either not configured or the current configuration contains an invalid IP address or hostname.


When changing the server’s network routing configuration it is important to verify that the modifications will not impact the method of connectivity for the current login session. It is also crucial that this information not be entered incorrectly or set to improper values. Incorrectly modifying the server’s routing configuration may result in total loss of remote network access.


To define the default router:
  1. Obtain the proper Provisioning Network netmask and the IP address of the appropriate Default Route on the provisioning network. These are maintained by the customer network administrators.
  2. Log in to the LSMS CLI from lsmspri server with username root and run su - lsmsmgr
  3. Select Network Configuration Menu, from the LSMS Configuration Menu
  4. Select Network Reconfiguration Menu from the Network Configuration Menu. The following warning appears:

    WARNING: This action is service impacting. Are you sure?

  5. Chose yes. This displays the configuration screen. See the Configuration Guide for Initial Configuration information.
  6. Do the configuration.
  7. Exit from the lsmsmgr menu.
  8. Run syscheck again. If the alarm has not been cleared, go to Sub-step j.
  9. Run savelogs to gather all application logs.
  10. Contact the My Oracle Support (MOS).