Clean Up After Failed or Interrupted Snapshot

If a snapshot fails or is interrupted, the /dev/vgapp/dbbackup volume will remain in the file space that is temporarily used by both backups and snapshot creation. If this volume is present when another snapshot is attempted, the new snapshot will fail.

If a snapshot fails, perform the following procedure to clean up the file space that is used for temporarily storing snapshot information. If this file space is not cleaned up, any future snapshot attempts will fail.

  1. If a snapshot has failed, first ensure that no backup is already running by performing the procedure described in “Check for Running Backups”.

    • If a backup is running, DONOT perform this procedure. Wait until the backup is complete and retry the snapshot.
    • If a backup is not running, proceed to the next step.

  2. Log into the active server as root.

    If you are already logged into the active server as a different user, enter the following command:

    $ su - root

    When prompted, enter the root password.

  3. Enter the following commands:

    # /bin/umount /mnt/backup

    # /usr/sbin/lvremove -f /dev/vgapp/dbbackup

    The following output will display:

    lvremove -- doing automatic backup of volume group "vgapp"
    lvremove -- logical volume "/dev/vgapp/dbbackup" successfully removed

When the last line in 3 displays, you have completed this procedure.