Copying Partially Downloaded Files After Switchover

If switchover is initiated and completed while files are being downloaded from the NPAC, some of the files may exist on the previously active server and some may exist on the newly active server. The safest procedure is to repeat the BDD procedure.

However, if you have already downloaded a number of files, you can choose to determine which files exist on which server and use the following procedure to copy the files that exist on the non-active server to the active server.

  1. If switchover is initiated while files are being downloaded from the NPAC, wait until the following notification has been reported:

    LSMS4001|14:58 Oct 22, 2005|xxxxxxx|Notify:Sys Admin - Switchover complete

  2. Log into the non-active server as lsmsadm.
  3. Navigate to the directory where files have been downloaded:

    $ cd /var/TKLC/lsms/free/data/npacftp/<region>

    Where <region> is the name of the NPAC region for which files are being downloaded.

  4. Verify that the correct directory was accessed by entering the following command:

    $ pwd

    The correct output is:


  5. Enter the following command to list which files are stored in this directory:

    $ ls -l

  6. Log into the active server as lsmsadm.
  7. Navigate to the directory where files have been downloaded:

    $ cd /var/TKLC/lsms/free/data/npacftp/<region>

    Where <region> is the name of the NPAC region for which files are being downloaded.

  8. Verify that the correct directory was accessed by entering the following command:

    $ pwd

    The correct output is:


  9. Enter the following command to list which files are stored in this directory:

    $ ls -l

  10. Compare the files listed in 5 and 9 to determine whether all the files you need have been downloaded to one server or the other.

    If any files you need are missing from both servers, perform the procedure described in NPAC-LSMS Download Procedure” to obtain the missing files from the NPAC.

  11. If you desire to copy any files from the non-active server to the active server, perform the remaining steps of this procedure.
  12. At the previously active server, use the secure file transfer protocol (sftp) to move the files from the standby server into the/var/TKLC/lsms/free/data/npacftp/<region> directory on the newly active server:

    $ sftp lsmsadm@mate

    When prompted, enter the lsmsadm password. Then the sftp> prompt will appear; enter the following commands at the prompt:

    sftp> cd /var/TKLC/lsms/free/data/npacftp/<region>

    sftp> mput *

    sftp> bye

  13. Proceed with the step you were performing when you were directed to this procedure.