NPAC-LSMS Download Procedure Summary

The following procedure is an outline of the detailed procedure shown in NPAC-LSMS Download Procedure”.

CAUTION: The following procedure requires the connection between the LSMS and each regional NPAC that needs to have files downloaded be aborted (when you stop the regional agent in 27) before the NPAC builds the files to be sent to the LSMS. The connection must be aborted so that data can be properly resynchronized after the download of files completes. Therefore, the normal transmission of NPAC data from the LSMS to the connected NEs will temporarily be precluded during this procedure. It is recommended that you contact the My Oracle Support (MOS) before performing this procedure.
Note: If an automatic or manual switchover occurs while files are being downloaded from the NPAC or between the time files are downloaded from the NPAC and the time they are imported into the LSMS database, perform the appropriate procedure described in “Copying Files to Other Server If Switchover Occurs”.
Note: Before you start this procedure, it is recommended that you contact the My Oracle Support (MOS). If you encounter any problems in the procedure, you must call the My Oracle Support (MOS).
  1. Request the appropriate file from the NPAC for a given SPID and region.
  2. Use FTP to download that file when the NPAC indicates the file is available.
  3. Move to another folder all the files currently residing in the NPAC import folder (/var/TKLC/lsms/free/data/npacftp/<region>, where <region> is the region that you are importing).
  4. Untar the BDD file (Object BDD/Object Range BDD file or Time Range BDD file) in this <region> folder using the following command:

    tar –zxvf filename.tar.gz

  5. Run /usr/TKLC/lsms/bin/import <region> for the appropriate region.
  6. Answer the questions presented by the import script.